Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1425 Who suppresses whom?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Seeing that the next filming was about to start, Jiang Muye hurriedly made himself a pot of tea, took out a pack of melon seeds, and entered the movie-watching mode.

I like watching Ning Xiaoxi turn on the massacre mode on people other than him the most! ! !

"Hey, do you want melon seeds?" Jiang Muye was in a good mood, so he warmly greeted Mo Chenxiu who was opposite him.

Mo Chenxiu looked at Jiang Muye quietly, because the observations these days had made no progress, he finally couldn't help asking, "Are you dating Tang...Ning Xi?"

"Cough cough cough..." Hearing this, Jiang Muye almost choked to death with a sip of tea, "How is that possible!!!"

"It's not you... Then who is it..." Mo Chenxiu had an expression of being out of control, Mo Chenxiu was also the first to say that he was in a bad state.

Jiang Muye crossed his legs, nibbled at the melon seeds, squinted at the other party and said, "Don't think about it, that guy really already has an owner, and the other party is definitely not someone with your skills!"

"You like her." Mo Chenxiu said in an affirmative tone.

Jiang Muye was choked again, blushing and gave him a pale look, "None of your business!"

Mo Chenxiu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The man who can make Jiang Muye fearful and dare not attack Ning Xi... who the hell is it...

Jiang Muye seemed to see what Mo Chenxiu was thinking, pouted with a black face, how could he not be afraid, the other party's seniority alone was enough to crush him to death!


"Everyone take their places, get ready—start—" Guo Qisheng shouted to begin.

Meng Shiyi's assistant yawned out of boredom, and stood there with her arms crossed, looking at the time on her phone with a look of impatience on her face, "Sister Shiyi pushed so many movie invitations from famous directors for this movie, Hollywood I pushed all the roles, I didn't expect to be fooled into this kind of broken team..."

In fact, today's TV drama market is very hot. No matter how high-quality Meng Shiyi's movies are, without a mass base, it will be very difficult to make money. If she wants to follow the high-quality route and doesn't care about money, that's fine. Now that she has pushed With so many movies taking over TV dramas, it is obvious that they still want to make money.

"Jiuxiao" is the super IP fantasy drama with the largest investment in China. The director, producer and actors are already top-notch configurations. There are many movie stars and queens who want to join. Just two domestic trophies.

The heroine Meng Shiyi was acquired by their company through a lot of contacts, but now she has such a disdainful tone and puts on a show to such an extent, no matter how good-tempered Guo Qisheng is, his expression at this moment can't help but be a little ugly.

But Guo Qisheng couldn't argue with a small assistant, so he suppressed his anger and focused his attention on the direction where Ning Xi and Meng Shiyi were filming.

The twilight was low, and the light in the dense forest was a little dim.

Two figures, one red and one white, were dropped in mid-air by Wia. The white chased the red in front, and the two figures moved quickly.

"Swipe—" Yunhuang's skirt fluttered in the air like a flame, her arms spread out like an eagle, her toes touched the ground, and she stopped suddenly in front of her.

Leng Aoxue, who was chasing after her closely, also fell to the ground immediately, and pointed a sharp silver arrow at the woman in front of her sharply, "Demon girl! Stop! Today I will do justice for the heavens!"

Meng Shiyi's eyes are full of fierce anger and just right compassion, which vividly shows Leng Aoxue, who is extremely indifferent but also extremely compassionate.

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