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The plot of this scene is that Yunhuang's close figure Wei Liuyan is injured by Zhengzheng, Yunhuang kills for this, decent blood flows into rivers, and Leng Aoxue wants to do justice for the sky.

Throughout this scene, Leng Aoxue took the front and dominant position, which is especially suitable for suppressing the scene. As long as she makes use of it a little bit, Ning Xi will definitely be even more embarrassed this time...

Under Meng Shiyi's ambiguous eyes, the woman dressed in red opposite seemed to have not noticed Leng Aoxue's overwhelming anger and murderous intent at all, she stood there leisurely, her voice was drawn out, like a smile Fei smiled and said, "I don't know what kind of way Fairy Aoxue is doing...?"

Leng Aoxue's beautiful eyes were frosty and her gaze became even sharper, "Demon girl! How dare you argue! You killed a hundred and seven people from the Seven Star Gate in one night, such a murderous madness, the crime is hard to erase! Heaven will not allow it!"

"Heh..." Yunhuang lowered her eyes and let out a low laugh from her chest. After a while, her crow-feather-like eyelashes slightly parted, and she looked at Leng Aoxue with her dark eyes, her finger slightly brushed the blood on her cheek, The hair was blown by the strong wind, and the whole figure was like a ghost, "I said earlier... If anyone dares to touch a hair of him... I will put a head on him... If anyone dares to hurt him... I will slaughter him all over the house..."

Seeing this, Guo Qisheng's eyes lit up, and his heart was shaking with excitement!

This girl really came back!

This act was simply fantastic!

Guo Qisheng had completely forgotten the unhappiness just now, and looked at Meng Shiyi excitedly.


No way, at such an exciting moment, Meng Shiyi actually...forgot the words?

"The witch..." Meng Shiyi tried to speak again, but she still couldn't speak, and she didn't say a single word of the generous speech that followed.

She had already prepared her emotions, and was going to crush Ning Xi this time, but she didn't expect that when she met Ning Xi's eyes, her brain suddenly lost control, and the lines she was about to blurt out suddenly stuck in her throat. Mouth, only uttered a word and then could no longer make a sound.

"Ka—do it again!" Guo Qisheng sighed.

Before Meng Shiyi realized what happened, Guo Qisheng's yelling sounded in his ears.

Damn, what's going on...

Was she in a daze just now?

For this mistake, Meng Shiyi only thought that she was lost for a while, and the assistants and other staff on the side didn't pay much attention.

Soon, the second filming continued.

Meng Shiyi took a deep breath. This time, she was in a more severe state than last time, and she walked towards Ning Xi with a huge sense of oppression all over her body, "Demon girl! How dare you argue..."

A young actor with little foundation would definitely perform abnormally under such pressure from her, and would not even be able to speak his lines.


"I said earlier that if anyone dares to touch a single hair of him, I will have his head on... If anyone dares to hurt him... I will slaughter him all over the house..." Facing Meng Shiyi, she tried nearly ten times of success. When Li's acting skills deliberately put pressure on her, Ning Xi's attitude became more and more calm, as if the outrageous words she said were the truth and the way of heaven.

At this moment, the woman in red in front of her was calm but extremely arrogant, trampling the law of heaven under her feet.

This is Yunhuang!

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