Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1434 Playing the Dealer's Idea

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The phone rang for a while, Ning Xueluo took out the phone and looked at it, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello? Who is it?" Ning Xueluo asked in a sweet and polite voice, thinking it was from some guest.

"'s's mom..."

Ning Xueluo's expression changed instantly, she covered her phone, and said to Su Yan who was beside her with a smile, "Brother Yan, I'm going to answer the phone."

"Well, let's go."

Ning Xueluo hurriedly walked into the yard with her mobile phone, the sweet smile on her face disappeared instantly, and she said sharply, "Didn't I tell you not to call me?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then a slightly embarrassed voice came, "Xueluo...I heard that today is your engagement day...Mom just..."

"Shut up!" The "Mom" sounded like touching Ning Xueluo's fragile nerves, and immediately cut off the person on the other end.

Sun Lan probably realized her daughter's taboo, so she hurriedly changed her words, "I just want to say congratulations to you..."

"No need, as long as you don't treat me like this, I'm already very grateful to you!"

"By the way, Xiao Nuo went to find you a few days ago..."

"How dare you mention Xiao Nuo, how many times have I told you never to come to Ning's house! Did you listen to me? Did you have to kill me to be happy?" When Ning Xueluo mentioned that matter, The fire was ignited again immediately, but Tang Nuo didn't ask why Tang Nuo came to Ning's house that day.

"Xueluo, it's too hurtful for you to say such things. I also know that it's not easy for you in the Ning family. In order not to cause you trouble, we haven't looked for you once in these years. There is really no way this time. That's why Xiao Nuo went to the imperial capital..."

"Enough, I'm busy now, I don't have time to talk to you about this, just tell me how much it costs. But only this time! Please understand, you have never raised me for a day, and I have no obligation to you, let alone Your cash machine!" Upon hearing the other party's tone, Ning Xueluo guessed that it was probably for money, and her face was filled with disgust.

"No... Xueluo, you misunderstood... I'm not here for money..." Sun Lan never thought that her daughter would misunderstand herself so much. If she hadn't been cornered by those hooligans, how could she bother her, but the other party But he didn't even ask why Xiao Nuo went to find her, or what happened at home, so he said such things.

"Xueluo, why are you here alone?" Su's mother's voice suddenly came from behind, and Ning Xueluo quickly hung up the phone without waiting for Sun Lan to explain.

"Aunt Su..." Ning Xueluo hurriedly put on her signature gentle and cute smile.

"Good boy! I'm going to change my name to mother-in-law in a few days! I've been waiting for this day for five years!" Mother Su held Ning Xueluo's hand with a loving face.

Ever since Ning Xueluo's identity was exposed, Mother Su's attitude towards her has become a lot colder. Even after Ning Yaohua gave her the shares, it is still difficult to return to the same way as before.

Ning Xueluo didn't expect Mother Su's attitude towards her to be so good tonight, so she was flattered, so she put on a shy and moved expression, "It is Xueluo's blessing to have a mother-in-law like you!"

Su Mu's face was full of joy, and she pulled Ning Xueluo to say some thoughtful words, and then changed the topic, "Xueluo... On the day you and Su Yan got married, did you invite someone from the dealer?"

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