Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1435 Rest easy

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Hearing this, Ning Xueluo was stunned for a moment, and she said why Su's mother suddenly became so considerate to her tonight, she never thought it would be because of the dealer...

Ning Xueluo suddenly looked embarrassed, "This... I've never heard of it from my parents... It seems that there is no one on the banquet list..."

Su's mother frowned immediately, then took Ning Xueluo's hand, and said earnestly, "Xueluo, we are now a family anyway, so I still want to say a few words, the world How can there be parents who are not? Aren’t parents all for the sake of the next generation? Your mother has been estranged from the dealer for so many years, and it’s time to let go. What do you think?”

Ning Xueluo thought about her words, "Of course I also hope that my mother and grandpa can settle down and the family will live in harmony, are also clear about mother's temperament..."

Su's mother's eyes moved slightly, and she continued to speak, "Silly boy, your mother can't help herself in some things, and the dealer also needs a step up, so it's up to you juniors at this time.

Your wedding with Su Yan next month is a rare and good opportunity! If at this time, you take the initiative to invite the dealer and give the dealer a step down, as long as the dealer has the intention of reconciling, he will definitely be there.

At that time, as long as the dealer comes, on a day like your big wedding, no matter how unhappy your mother is, she will definitely not make it public. As soon as the atmosphere is good, if everyone talks about some things, won't the conflict be resolved?

After all, the Zhuang family didn't agree with your mother and your father's marriage back then, because they thought it was wrong. Now that the Ning family is developing better and better, and you are so knowledgeable, intelligent and capable, and now we are also related by marriage to our Su family. No matter what, the banker should change his attitude..."

Su's mother didn't think about the fact that Ning Xueluo was not the daughter of the Ning family at all. Even Zhuang Lingyu herself only recognized Ning Xueluo as a daughter. Ning Xi who drove out of the house?

Su's mother made such a long speech, which was very reasonable, but Ning Xueluo didn't show any joy on her face.

Mother Su thought of it, how could she not have thought of it?

Early in the morning, she had secretly sent invitations to the dealer, but after so many days, there was no response at all, and it was clear that she had no intention of taking care of their Ning family at all.

Now, Su Xun is watching over the Su family, and Su Xun's wife is not easy to mess with. If it's just like this, relying on her contacts in the entertainment industry, her own company, and the shares of the Ning family in her hand, she can marry Su Xun. It is more than enough to get a firm foothold after home.

However, now that she is not the biological daughter of the Ning family, it is like a time bomb hanging above her head, so it is not enough to have these alone. If she can have the help of the dealer, she can sit back and relax the...

Naturally, Ning Xueluo couldn't tell Su's mother directly that the Zhuang family looked down on the Ning family, so she said, "Auntie Su, I understand what you mean, I will try my best to invite the Zhuang family!"

Seeing that Ning Xueluo was smart and understood what she meant, Su's mother nodded in satisfaction.

A gloomy look flashed across Ning Xueluo's eyes. It seems that she has to think of another way...

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