Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1486 Public Opinion War

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

A few days ago, the Internet was full of celebrities and celebrities posting Ning Xueluo's wedding invitations and gifts. Everyone was waiting for the real wedding, how hot it would be.

As a result, no one expected that the wedding would end like this.

Ning Xueluo's grand wedding was slapped in the face by Ning Xi's small charity event to the point where she couldn't hold her head up...

Suddenly there were all sorts of voices on the Internet, some mocking Ning Xueluo, some gossip about Ning Xi's backstage, and many thought that Ning Xueluo spent more than one billion yuan on a wedding banquet, which was so extravagant and wasteful, but on the other hand, Ning Xi, after becoming famous, The first thing to do is to do charity, and the comparison between the two is simply superior.

Soon this netizen's comment became popular, and all of a sudden those who were dissatisfied with Ning Xueluo's big wedding came out to speak out.

[Hehehe, Ning Xueluo is holding her own wedding, she is giving the media a wedding! It's just for show and show! ]

[I have long wanted to say that Feng Yilan, who just won the Nobel Prize for winning such an honor for the country, has not received any attention. Instead, it is a female artist's wedding. Can this society be better? ]

[I think this time the Charity Federation and the people above probably couldn't stand it anymore, so they made this up on purpose to correct the atmosphere in the entertainment industry! ]


Originally, the Internet was full of mocking or accusing voices from Ning Xueluo, but in the afternoon, the wind gradually changed.

[Having said that, don't you think this matter is weird from beginning to end? Why did Ning Xi's charity event happen to be on the same day as Ning Xueluo's wedding, and they were upstairs and downstairs? ]

[Even if all of this is the idea of ​​the people above, with so many big names in the entertainment industry, why did they choose Ning Xi, a female artist who became famous overnight? ]

[The wedding is the most important event in a woman's life, what's wrong with being more grand when you have the ability? It's not like Ning Xueluo is the only one like this! Wouldn't it be unfair to just blame her? But Ning Xi made me feel that this charity event was done too deliberately, it was like putting on a show! ]

[Hehe, this charitable foundation is in deep water. Do you think artists really set up charitable funds to make money? Have you forgotten the scandals involving Wang Li and Fang Yihua? ]


In the end, public opinion was led to three points: "Ning Xi deliberately chose this day to steal Ning Xueluo's limelight", "Ning Xi has a backer", "Ning Xi used charity funds to make money".

The first two are fine, almost all actresses will encounter such scandals, and things without evidence will be dissipated in a few days, but the latter is serious enough to destroy an artist.

Wang Li's previous fraudulent donation caused her reputation to plummet, and a series of scandals such as Fang Yihua's unclear foundation accounts not only made him unable to survive in the entertainment industry, but also almost sent him to jail...

It can be seen how ruthless Ning Xueluo's move was.

"I'm going, these people are too shameless! We have already set the time and place, who would want to be on the same day as them!" Even though she had already prepared, Xiao Tao was still very angry when she saw these comments on the Internet.

"Put the first piece of evidence first," Ling Zhizhi said.

"Yeah, got it!" Xiaotao immediately logged on to Weibo, and posted the proof that the time and address had been booked three months ago.

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