Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1487 Instant Reversal

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Not long after Ning Xi made the clarification, Ning Xueluo immediately shifted the fire. After all, they also knew that the first two points could not defeat Ning Xi, so they focused on the third point.

Soon, people who claimed to be insiders began to leak all kinds of news, claiming that Ning Xi was insidious and hypocritical, embezzled charity money, and made a lot of money in the name of charity. I know so-so.

Because the matter this time involved the higher-ups, if Ning Xi caused such a scandal, the higher-ups would definitely not sit idly by, even if it was based on the pressure of public opinion, they would definitely conduct a thorough investigation.

Although Chang Li didn't have any definite evidence, there were too many celebrities in the entertainment industry doing this. She was sure that Ning Xi would never be clean. If a place is even slightly unclean, then Ning Xi will be completely finished...

"Xueluo, do you know how much Ning Xi's Taohuawu villa cost? And the few sports cars she bought recently... Even if she's popular now, it's only been a few days, how could she get so much money all at once? Even if the remuneration and endorsements are all added together, it is not enough to be so extravagant, there must be something tricky in it..." Chang Li had a confident expression.

Oh, that's natural!

Ning Xueluo sneered, Ning Xi, did she think that she would be able to sit back and relax after getting in touch with Zhuang Keer and her superiors?

Now she is going to turn these into her reminders...

With Ning Xueluo's full efforts to fuel the flames, soon all kinds of rumors spread on the Internet. Many netizens have no ability to judge, and they will stand on the side of the public opinion. At present, things are moving towards Ning Xueluo Going in the predicted direction...

She didn't believe that the dealer was still indifferent to Ning Xi's incident, and the dealer would allow himself to be dragged into trouble by Ning Xi?

She couldn't find out what was wrong with Ning Xi, but if the dealer did something... definitely...


This time, Ning Xueluo made another mistake.

Chang Li first started with Ning Xi's character, and made up all kinds of facts to pour dirty water on Ning Xi, saying that she was hypocritical and relying on charity to put on a show, so as to gradually convince everyone that Ning Xi would do such a thing as embezzling charity money.

However, when the incident fermented and it was almost ready to press for a thorough investigation, Ning Xi's official Weibo suddenly released a piece of information.

A piece of information about Ning Xi's charity work over the years...

Remittance slips like snowflakes, handwritten thank-you letters from sponsored students, from the time Ning Xi was 18 years old to the present, never stops, rain or shine...

If it was said that Ning Xi's charity work was just for show and a way to suppress her peers, what about before she entered the circle, before she became famous? Why does she have to do these things without a break?

There is no need for Lin Zhizhi to do more about the next thing. The reporters flocked to the various mountainous areas, welfare homes and other places revealed in the materials to collect evidence...

If it is said that there are two families, one person and two people, it is possible that Ning Xi is cheating, but after traveling all over the place, all of them have been confirmed to be true. In an instant, the entire Internet was in an uproar, and the public opinion was reversed in an instant...

At first, everyone didn't understand why the people above chose Ning Xi, and even made her a charity ambassador to support her, but now, they understood.

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