Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1563 He is already married

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xueluo drove away from Su's residence, and immediately made a phone call: "What has Su Yan been doing these days?"

"Boss Su seems to have gone back to Chunfeng Town, City C for a few days, and has been drinking at the bar since he came back..." The person on the other end of the phone replied.

"Chunfeng Town..." Ning Xueluo frowned slightly, "Then where is he now?"

"This..." The man's voice seemed hesitant.

"I'm asking you something!" Ning Xueluo said impatiently.

"Boss Su is Taohuawu..."

"What did you say?!" Ning Xueluo's face immediately changed.

She naturally knew that Taohuawu was Ning Xi's residence.

"When did you go in?" Ning Xueluo immediately asked, her nails digging into her palm.

"No... no! President Su didn't enter the house, he just stood outside all night..."

"Understood, you continue to stare!"

Ning Xueluo hung up the phone, her body trembling slightly due to excessive anger, and finally calmed down after a long while.

She stopped the car in front of the Su family's Yifeng Group company building, then found a stone nearby, gritted her teeth, and knocked it hard on her forehead...

The bright red blood slid down the forehead and into the eyes, making the woman's face look extremely hideous.

"Ning day...all of this...I will return it to you twice!!!"

Ning Xueluo sat down beside the car, then picked up her mobile phone and dialed Su Yan's number.

After the phone rang, it was hung up immediately.

Ning Xueluo was so angry that she almost smashed her phone, so she kept calling.

When I hit the fourth time, I finally got through.

Before Su Yan could speak, Ning Xueluo immediately put on an extremely terrified tone, moaning weakly and in pain, and said, "Brother me..."

Su Yan's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone immediately, but his voice was deliberately lowered, as if he was afraid that he would be discovered if his voice was too loud, "Xueluo? What's going on?"

"Blood...I bleed a lot...Brother Yan...Am I dying?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Where are you now?"

"I... I'm at the gate of your company... I... I didn't mean to find you! I know you're in a bad mood these days, so I don't want to disturb you... But... But I'm going home today... Mom said You haven't been home for several days, saying that my wife didn't fulfill her responsibilities and asked me to find you...I can only...sorry..."

"What the hell happened? Are you hurt?"

"I don't know...I was suddenly attacked as soon as I got out of the sister's fan..."

"Stop talking, I'll be right over!"


After hanging up the phone, Ning Xueluo's weak and pitiful expression immediately turned gloomy.

Ning Xi! You think I don't know what you want to do, what you want?

Do you think you can snatch Su Yan away like this! dream!


Su Yan's mood has been very gloomy recently. He went to the house in Chunfeng Town where he used to live when he was recuperating from his illness, and watched every detail of his time with Ning Xi, and his mood became even more out of control...

He desperately wanted to see Ning Xi, even if it was just to hear her voice.

As expected, Ning Xi didn't reply to his message. He took the courage to make a phone call with the help of alcohol, but he didn't expect that the person who answered was a man, and Ning Xi actually said that that man was her man. !

At that moment, his mood was extremely bad, his chest was like a wild beast rushing, but he couldn't find an exit, because at this moment, he was no longer qualified to question her...

he is already married……

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