Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1564 I want a child

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

It wasn't until Ning Xueluo made a phone call that he suddenly woke up from this emotion and rushed to the company immediately.

When he arrived, he saw Ning Xueluo leaning against the car under the dim light, with a pile of shocking blood beside him.

"Snow falls!"

"Brother Yan... you're here... I thought... I couldn't wait for you..."

"Don't be silly! I'll take you to the hospital!" Seeing the girl's weak and desperate expression, Su Yan's heart twitched, and he immediately carried the girl into the car.

After being busy for a while, Su Yan sent Ning Xueluo to the hospital to have her wounds treated, and then returned home.

Seeing that Ning Xueluo was brought in by Su Yan, both Zheng Minjun and Su Hongguang were startled.

"How is this going?"

Su Yan looked at Zheng Minjun, his complexion turned ugly, "Mom, it's so late, why did you let Xueluo go out to find me!"

"You haven't seen anyone for several days, am I worried about you? She is your wife, of course she should do these things!" Zheng Minjun was a little unhappy.

"What happened to Xueluo's injury?" Su Hongguang asked.

"He went to the company to find me, and was attacked by unknown people on the way."

Su Hongguang said in a deep voice, "That incident is such a big mess, it's really too chaotic outside recently, let's arrange two bodyguards for her later!"

"Dad, Mom, I'm fine... just a little injury... I'm sorry to trouble you..." Ning Xueluo turned pale.

Seeing Ning Xueluo's appearance, Zheng Minjun couldn't express his anger even if he was angry, otherwise Su Yan would be upset if he talked too much.

Su Yan is still very protective of this girl!

So I could only endure it for the time being.

inside the house.

Su Yan put Ning Xueluo on the bed and was about to leave when a pair of arms wrapped around his neck.

"Brother Yan...give me a child? I want to have a child that belongs to us...I have quit the entertainment circle now, I can prepare for pregnancy with peace of mind, and have more time to take care of him and be with him... "

Su Yan's eyes flickered, "Don't worry, we are still young."

With tears in her eyes, Ning Xueluo poked her finger under the man's body, "But I want..."

"Don't mess around, you still have injuries."

"It's okay! Just be careful!"


Under the teasing of the woman, Su Yan couldn't hold back after all.

"Ah... brother Yan... slow down... slow down..."

Tonight Su Yan was extraordinarily rough for some reason, but Ning Xueluo felt very at ease. Sure enough, Su Yan loved her the most, and he couldn't do without her body at all.

Ning Xueluo thought about it, but she didn't realize that when Su Yan was doing it, she didn't even look at her from the beginning to the end, but seemed to be immersed in some kind of trance fantasy...

At the last moment, Su Yan hit hard, and then his body fell on the girl's body, his head hung by the girl's ear, and he muttered indistinctly, "Xiao Xi..."

After finishing speaking, Su Yan fell into a drowsy sleep, holding Ning Xueluo in his arms very vigorously throughout his sleep.

The moment she heard Su Yan's name clearly, Ning Xueluo felt as if she had been struck by lightning, and her face immediately turned pale.

Su Yan... how is it possible...

How could he, how could he be confused by that kind of woman!

That dirty woman who had sex with a messy man and gave birth to a bastard!

A large part of the reason why Su Yan left Ning Xi was because he cared about this matter. What man would accept that his woman was raped by another man and gave birth to that man's child?

You must know that it was her first time when she was with Su Yan!

So, it's impossible... She must have heard it wrong! Brother Yan will never have any thoughts about Ning Xi again...

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