Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1565 Are you free tonight?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The farce at the Palme d'Or was finally over, and Ning Xi's work was back on track.

With the blessing of two golden brown trophies, Ning Xi is now like a tiger with wings added.

Of course, at the same time, she has higher demands on herself.

Ling Zhizhi was also more cautious when choosing her next movie and book.

Ling Zhizhi considered for a long time, and finally pushed a film to Ning Xi, "Ning Xi, I suggest you audition for this one."

"A new play directed by Jiang Xingzhou?" Ning Xi glanced at the script.

Just seeing the words Jiang Xingzhou almost sent a chill down the spine of everyone in the entertainment circle.

Director Jiang's state when he was filming was really scary, even Song Lin, who has reached her current status, was very embarrassed to mention Director Jiang.

Lin Zhizhi said, "The heroine of this film is a mute mother, and the age span in the play ranges from teenagers to old age. I have read the script, and the book is very good, and it is Director Jiang's film. It can basically be said in China. It is a must-win award, and the key point is that it can enter the four major international A-category film festivals. Of course, because of this, the casting is also extremely strict. This time the competition will be very fierce!"

Ning Xi was flipping through the script at the moment, and she was already attracted by just reading the beginning, "It's really a good book, it's completely different from "The World" and "Dream Seeker", it doesn't have much more The twists and turns of the plot, the whole play is just about a mother's life, but this kind of script is the real test of the actors' acting skills!"

Ling Zhizhi nodded, "If it was someone else, I would definitely choose a more secure script, such as Director Lin's, but I think you are more suitable for this "Mother"."

A long-lost challenge flashed in Ning Xi's eyes, "Just this one! Anyway, let's go to the audition and try it first! If it doesn't work, we can choose other ones!"

"Okay, let's make a decision first, you go back and prepare."



Ning Xi had just left the company when her cell phone rang suddenly.

Ning Xi casually glanced at the caller ID, but she was so scared that she almost lost her soul!

Song... Song Lin! ! !

Her goddess Song Lin! ! !

After the Palme d'Or last time, they exchanged mobile phone numbers in the background, but she never dared to disturb the goddess. She never thought that the goddess would take the initiative to call her?

Ning Xi took several deep breaths before finally calming down, and connected the phone, "Hello...Song...Senior Song?"

"It's me, is it convenient to answer the phone now? Is it not disturbing you?" The goddess's very charming voice came from the other end of the phone.

"How could it be! No, no, no! If you have anything to say, Senior Song, just say it!" Ning Xi hurriedly said.

A low laugh came from the other end of the phone, as if amused by the girl's cute reaction, "It's nothing serious, just chatting with you casually, what are you going to do next?"

"I've just finished discussing with my agent, and I'm going to audition for Director Jiang's "Mother" now." Ning Xi replied seriously.

"This one... oh, it's exactly the same as what I guessed."

"Actually, I'm not very sure...the interviewees must all be experts..." Ning Xi scratched her head and said.

It is not an exaggeration to say that those who will be interviewed this time are the elites of the entire entertainment industry. Ning Xi's acting skills are good, but there are also many extremely talented entertainers in the entertainment industry. The closer she is to the top of the pyramid, the more people she meets. The more powerful people are, of course, the more excited she is for such a challenge.

Song Lin on the other end of the phone said, "Coincidentally, I also have a role in this play, but I'll just play a supporting role, and it's already decided."

"Really?" Ning Xi's eyes lit up immediately, "If I succeed in the audition, wouldn't I be able to act with you, the goddess!"

Song Lin's tone sounded cheerful, "It's true."

"Senior Song, I will definitely work hard!" Ning Xi immediately burst into motivation.

"Ning Xi, are you... free tonight?" Song Lin asked suddenly, her tone was so gentle, even with a hint of bewitching, that even Ning Xi, a woman, couldn't hold back what she heard.

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