Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1566 It's okay not to wear it

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi thought for a while, "Tonight? I'm fine..."

Song Lin: "If you're okay, come over to my side and we can talk about the script."

When Ning Xi heard this, she was stunned for a moment, feeling as if she had been knocked out by a big cake falling from the sky, "Uh...Song...Senior Song...are you going to give me...a little trouble?"

Her goal and direction all along, the super actress she has looked up to for so many years, the goddess she has liked for so long, to contact her actively, to guide her in private, to give her a little trouble?

It's just that happiness came too suddenly!

Song Lin smiled, "That's right, do you want to come over?"

Of course I want it!

Ning Xi suppressed what she almost blurted out, and said with some restraint, "This...will it be too much trouble for you? You are so busy!"

"It's okay, I'll send you my address, come over at night." Song Lin said.


After receiving Song Lin's text message, Ning Xi almost gave up her phone.


In the Platinum Imperial Palace, Ning Xi got into the room after eating and kept trying on clothes.

"La la la la la la... It's okay to stay up late chatting with you until your liver explodes, and it's okay to go shopping with you until you have flat feet. Thank you so much for letting me rebirth the whole orz, let me know love, love-ing, happy-ing again, It's like being on a jet plane..."

Hearing Ning Xi's extremely cheerful singing from inside the room, Lu Jingli, who was sitting on the sofa playing backgammon with Xiaobao with him, looked sad, "Brother, you two are going out on a date again tonight?"

Lu Tingxiao: "No."

"No?!" Lu Jingli looked obviously disbelieving, "Then she looks like she's full of love, who is she dating?"

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

Lu Jingli immediately realized that he had said something wrong, covered his mouth immediately, and coughed lightly, explaining, "Ahem...Maybe it's just to change clothes and have fun! It doesn't have to be a date..."

"I've finally chosen it! Does this look good?"

Ning Xi wore a small water green silk dress, this horrible color, even the slightest skin can't hold it, but the effect on Ning Xi is simply... tsk tsk...

Impatiently, Xiao Baozi directly KO'd his annoying second uncle, then ran up to Ma Ma, "Mom looks good!"

Ning Xi happily took a bite of the little bun, "My son has the best eyesight!"

"Mom, are you going on a date?" Xiao Baozi raised his head and asked me.

Lu Jingli immediately looked over gossiping and nervous, and Lu Tingxiao also looked sideways.

Ning Xi's tone sounded a little excited, "Yes! Mom has a very important date tonight! Give Mom some encouragement~"

The little bun immediately gave me a nice and cute one.

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

Lu Jingli: "!!!"

I go! What a date!

Lu Jingli had a terrified expression, "Brother Xi, who did you date? Who would let Brother Xi go out and change eighteen sets of clothes and three makeups? Even my brother doesn't have this kind of treatment! How can you be so swollen, Xiao Xixi! How can you embarrass my brother!"

Ning Xi glared at Lu Jingli angrily, then stepped up to Lu Tingxiao, tiptoed and kissed Lu Tingxiao's lips, "What's wrong with me! I don't need to wear it in front of your brother! My dear, don't wear it." Listen to your brother's provocation with that fool!"

The slight coldness on Lu Tingxiao's face immediately turned into boundless tenderness and pampering, and he betrayed his brother without hesitation, "Yeah."

Lu Jingli: "!!!"

Depend on! Xiao Xixi, you smooth-haired madman!

【Continue to code~】

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