Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1699 finally found a place

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After dialing the number, Lu Tingxiao said directly to the other end of the phone: "Check the email and reply me within ten seconds."

After saying these three words, Lu Tingxiao hung up the phone and sat there quietly.

Time passed by second by second...

Tang Lang had just counted to ten seconds in his head when Lu Tingxiao's phone suddenly lit up with a "ding".

Lu Tingxiao opened the mailbox and glanced at it, and then immediately said to the pilot, "Turn around and inform everyone, country F, 31 degrees east longitude, north latitude..."

Hearing that Lu Tingxiao suddenly reported the address, Tang Lang couldn't help showing a look of astonishment, with such precise coordinates.

Who exactly was Lu Tingxiao calling? Can actually find out the location of that place within ten seconds?

Ten seconds to watch the video is not enough!

Unless he saw the video and immediately knew where it was, and then sent an email to Lu Tingxiao...

Thinking of this, Tang Lang recalled the number Lu Tingxiao dialed just now, and then froze for a moment.

He remembered!

That... isn't that one of Satan's private cell phone numbers? !

Did Lu Tingxiao call him?

What shocked him even more was that Satan actually sent the address...

Isn't that the one who was tied over there?

Tang Lang showed a dignified expression, "Satan...I mean Yun Shen, can you believe his words? Will Junior Sister and Xiao Bao really be in the place he said?"

Lu Tingxiao: "I will be here."


Finally, the plane arrived at the territory of country F at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, country F borders Hua country, and it is also very close to the imperial capital.

Sure enough, the other party didn't go far...

Soon, they saw a familiar building. From a distance, they could vaguely see a building below that was very similar to the one in the video. It should be here!

The address sent by Satan turned out to be real?

When they got close to that place, they got off the plane without delay.

However, he did not expect to be besieged by a wave of people as soon as he got off the plane and was about to find someone.

Tang Lang looked at the opponent's terrifying weapons and the familiar symbols on his body, and suddenly realized that this land was also controlled by them. He had already left the organization, so he didn't know about it at all, and this place was probably the opponent's trump card...

If it wasn't for Yunshen... probably no one would know about this place...

Seeing that Ning Xi and Xiaobao were near the building behind them, but they were stopped by a group of people, Lu Tingxiao, who had been calm and self-possessed all the way, finally erupted with terrifying hostility...

However, even if they have the upper hand, it will still take a lot of time to deal with this group of people.

At this moment, a silver helicopter descended from the sky, before the plane landed completely, a person jumped from it.

The man's silver hair fluttered wantonly in the strong wind from the propeller, and the hostility he looked at those people in front of him was exactly the same as that of Lu Tingxiao.

The moment they saw the man appear, those who blocked Lu Tingxiao and the others on the opposite side showed expressions of horror and awe.

One of the leading little bosses stepped forward quickly, and said in trepidation, "Satan, we are here by Uncle Qiao's order..." Stand guard here.


The little boss didn't finish his sentence when he came into contact with the piercing eyes of the other party, and suddenly he was sweating coldly and didn't dare to say a word, and stepped back to make room.

The others also retreated like a tide, making way for a path...

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