Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1700 I'm afraid people have...

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Where are people?"

The little boss shook his body, "Uncle Qiao had someone deal with them directly...I'm afraid it's already..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked and passed out.

Lu Tingxiao, Yun Shen, and Tang Lang, whose complexions changed drastically, quickly ran towards the inside.

Just stepping into the ruins of the city in front of the building, Yun Shen, who was striding in front of him, thought of something, suddenly stopped, his slightly trembling fingers clenched into fists.

But Lu Tingxiao didn't stop, just passed him and continued walking forward.

Lu Tingxiao had already walked a long way, but Yun Shen still stood there motionless.

Tang Lang turned his head and glanced at the man behind him thoughtfully. He seemed to vaguely see a panic-like emotion flashing through the man's usually nonchalant eyes...

Is he... afraid?

Are you afraid that you might see... the body of your little junior sister...

Tang Lang was surprised when Yun Shen gave Lu Tingxiao the address directly, but now he seems to have come to his senses.

Could it be... that Yun Shen didn't know about the kidnapping of Xiaobao and Ning Xi from the beginning to the end?

Although it is not ruled out that Qiao Yi did these things without telling him, how did Lu Tingxiao know for sure and was sure that Yun Shen would help them?

He has known this man for so long, but he dare not say that he fully understands his temperament, and he is sure of what he will and won't do...


Finally came to the ruins of the ruined city that appeared in the video, the smell of gunpowder in the air mixed with a strong smell of blood.

When they got there, everyone was stunned.

The city ruins were quiet, except for the whistling wind, there was not a single extraneous sound.

What was even more weird was that they saw some guarding mercenaries lying on the ground along the road.

Tang Lang approached and checked, and was suddenly horrified.

"These people are all dead..."

Seeing that they didn't have any wounds or blood on their bodies, he thought they were just unconscious, but when he got closer and checked, he found that they were all out of breath.

Not only that, these people died in the same way, they all suffered serious internal injuries, their internal organs were directly shattered, and they died on the spot.

At this moment, Lu Tingxiao had already quickly walked towards a pile of rocks.

Next to the pile of rocks lay the corpses of two mercenaries, the guns in their hands were scattered on the ground, and there was a large piece of dark red blood on the nearby ground...

"What's going on..." Tang Lang looked around vigilantly.

At this time, Yun Shen also followed, staring fixedly at the blood stains on the gravel, and then at the corpses of those mercenaries, his expression became more gloomy.

After winking at his subordinates, someone immediately brought the little boss over.

"Where are people?" Yun Shen asked sullenly.

The little boss glanced around, looked at the mercenaries who seemed to be dead lying on the ground, with a surprised expression, "They were still there just could this be... Uncle Qiao also specifically explained that after they finished processing the corpses... "

The little boss took a peek at Lu Tingxiao, "Send the body to the Lu family..."

"Has anyone come in?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

The little boss looked at Lu Tingxiao and didn't answer. He felt that he couldn't answer his rival's question in front of the boss, but in the next second, his boss kicked him over, "I'm asking you a question! Has anyone else been here besides us? "

The little boss hurriedly replied, "No! No one has ever entered except you! No one has ever gone out! Our people are guarding this place for dozens of miles. If anyone comes in or out, I will definitely know!"

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