Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1721 Must give an explanation

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Imperial Hospital.

Lu Tingxiao finally walked out of the ward.

Yan Ruyi looked at her son's haggard appearance, her face was filled with distress, and she persuaded, "Tingxiao, don't be too sad. Didn't you persuade Xiaobao before? You must be well yourself! Now that medicine is so advanced , Xiao Xi may have a chance to wake up! As for me and your father... Although it's too late... Mom knows that it was our fault in the past... We misunderstood this child..."

Yan Ruyi was afraid that he wouldn't believe it, so she continued, "The people from the Guan family came just now, and I have already told them clearly that your father meant the same thing, but after all these years of friendship, your father and I are behind your wishful thinking. After doing so many things, I gave Ziyao nothing to look forward to. In the end, I can only feel sorry for him, but you don't need to worry about this matter. Your father and I will handle it, and try not to affect the relationship between the two families..."

Lu Chongshan also knew that the girl became what she is now, and with his son's temper, I'm afraid she would never accept other women. Even if time can dilute everything, one day he is willing to start again, but he doesn't know how long it will be...

Although it's a pity that the marriage with the Guan family failed, but given the current situation, he can't keep dragging her down, he has to make it clear.

"Even if you can't be an in-law, you can't be an enemy..." Lu Chongshan sighed, and was about to continue talking when the phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the caller ID, Lu Chongshan frowned, "It's the Guan family's number."

"Tell me well..." Yan Ruyi hurriedly said.

Lu Chongshan nodded, and then said, "Brother Guan..."

Guan Rui's sullen voice came from the other end of the phone, "Brother Lu, I understand that the Lu family has suffered a catastrophe this time, and I also sympathize with that girl, but there are many ways to compensate a person, and you cannot take two children for a lifetime." Happiness comes in exchange!"

The "two children" in Guan Rui's voice obviously refers to Lu Tingxiao and Guan Ziyao.

Lu Chongshan had expected that Guan Rui would call, and he explained helplessly, "Brother Guan, listen to me, this matter is that our Lu family is sorry for that girl, and now that girl has become like this, we turn around and let Ting For Xiao to marry someone else, this kind of ungrateful thing can't be done by our Lu family no matter what, not to mention that Tingxiao is also a person who values ​​love and righteousness... As for Ziyao, we don't want to delay her at all..."

Guan Rui didn't expect that even Lu Chongshan had the same attitude, and suddenly he couldn't hold back his anger, "Delaying Ziyao? But you have already delayed her now! Brother Lu, you told me from the beginning, Ting Xiao Being with that woman outside is just a joke, it will definitely not affect Ziyao, it was you who took the initiative to bring us Ziyao and Tingxiao together!

After returning to China, so many excellent boys came to our Guan family to ask for marriage, we rejected them all, just because of your promise. The results of it? But now, you tell me that you have to break your promise for a woman of low status!

Brother Lu, Ziyao is also my apple of the eye. She has been a pain in the eye since she was a child, because she really likes Tingxiao, and because of the relationship between our two families, I turn a blind eye to the matter between Tingxiao and that woman. With one eye, he bears it again and again, and even loves Xiaobao as his own grandson!

But what about your Lu family, what do you think of Ziyao in your Lu family? Items that come and go when you call them? Your Lu family must give us a reasonable explanation for this matter! "

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