Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1722 Waiting to see a good show

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Chongshan knew he was in the wrong, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Guan, it is true that our Lu family did something wrong, but it has nothing to do with Tingxiao. It's me, the father, who didn't handle it well. I will bear all the consequences. Any compensation I will..."

When Lu Chongshan said this, he was suddenly interrupted by his son's voice behind him.

"I'll talk to Director Guan," Lu Tingxiao said.

Lu Chongshan hesitated for a moment, then handed the phone to his son.

Lu Tingxiao took the phone and said in a cold voice, "Chairman Guan."

Hearing Lu Tingxiao's voice on the other end of the phone and the distant address, Guan Rui immediately sneered, "Tingxiao, you're such a good boy, don't you even call him uncle?"

Hearing Guan Rui's ridicule, Lu Tingxiao's expression did not change at all, "I will give Guan Dong an explanation in person in the reception room on the top floor of the Imperial Capital Hospital."

Guan Rui snorted coldly, "Oh, it's really sincere. If you want to explain to me, instead of coming to the door in person, you have to let my old man go to such an unlucky place like a hospital. Okay, I will go there, and I want to see, you guys How will the Lu family explain it!"

After hanging up the phone, Yan Ruyi walked over with a worried expression, "Tingxiao, how are you going to explain to the Guan family?"

At this time, Lu Jingli came out of the ward, put his arm around his mother's shoulder and said, "Hey, Mom, why are you worrying about this? You said you have two such handsome and intelligent sons, why should you worry about it? Just wait and see a good show later!"

Yan Ruyi gave him an angry look, and then said worriedly, "What's the fun? Don't mess around!"

"When did I mess around! Even if you don't believe me, don't you believe my brother? Anyway, you two don't need to do anything, as long as you're here!" Lu Jingli said firmly.

Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan looked at each other, not knowing what they were going to do.

However, seeing that Tingxiao didn't slump under such a blow, and would take the initiative to deal with these matters, he was relieved.


Little Treasure accompanied Ning Xi in the ward, and Annie looked after her.

Lu Chongshan, Yan Ruyi, Lu Tingxiao and Lu Jingli were planning to meet with the Guan family later.

After waiting for half an hour, the people from the Guan family arrived.

"Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, Jingli..." Guan Ziyao greeted each of them, then hesitantly looked at the man opposite him whom he hadn't seen for a long time, "Tingxiao..."

Seeing Lu Tingxiao's indifferent reaction, Guan's mother was very dissatisfied, "It's alright, Ziyao, so what if you treat him well? Some people are not confused by women outside. North and South!"

As soon as Guan's mother finished speaking, she felt the aura around the arrogant and alienated man suddenly changed. Although it was not obvious, the invisible pressure suffocated him like a thousand pounds of force.

Mother Guan coughed lightly, slowed down her tone, and said earnestly, "Tingxiao, I'm not talking about you, Auntie is older and has seen a lot, so she can see much more clearly than you. Look Look at the woman you fell in love with, and then look at our Ziyao, our Ziyao is a lady of everyone, no matter whether it is character or talent, there is nothing to say, and the character is the most pure and kind. Your father and mother watched her grow up, It is also the clearest..."

Regardless of Guan's mother's judgment on Ning Xi, only Guan Ziyao, Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan were undoubtedly appreciative and satisfied, and there was inevitably a look of guilt on their faces at this moment.

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