Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1741 I'm sorry, I hurt you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Hearing Ling Zhizhi's words, the air suddenly became more dull, and everyone's expressions were serious.

Everyone knew how much Ning Xi loved this career and how much she had paid for it. Naturally, they tried their best to protect her most precious thing for her.

Lu Tingxiao quietly looked at the girl behind the glass window. After a long silence, he said, "Three months later, if Xiaoxi still hasn't woken up, announce her real situation."

Lin Zhizhi nodded when she heard the words, the deadline given by Lu Tingxiao was exactly the maximum time she predicted that she could delay it.

"During this time, I will take care of her social accounts on Ning Xi's behalf. I will try my best to delay the time and maintain Ning Xi's popularity and popularity. It would be best if Ning Xi can wake up. If... the situation is really serious To the point of control, I will arrange a press conference, prepare a reasonable explanation, and explain Ning Xi's situation to fans."

Ling Zhizhi knew very well that in Ning Xi's situation, the possibility of waking up was slim, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope, she still had to try.

Fortunately, Ning Xi is now living in the military sanatorium, there is no place that is more private than here, and can block all interference and disclosure of news.

However, what exactly happened, why Ning Xi was suddenly injured so badly...

Ling Zhizhi sensitively sensed that there might be a lot of rich family secrets involved in this, so she was cautious and didn't ask any more questions. She is Ning Xi's manager, all she needs to know is that she will do everything she can to protect what Ning Xi has worked so hard so far. .

"Yes." Lu Tingxiao nodded, agreed to Ling Zhizhi's arrangement, and then gave Ling Zhizhi his own private number, "For anything related to Xiao Xi, just call me."

"Okay." Ling Zhizhi nodded.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why a girl like Ning Xi who was free and wanton chose this man in front of her.

With Lu Tingxiao's status and status, if he likes someone, he can keep her in captivity, give her everything, and let her follow his own preferences and identity.

However, Ning Xi had been dating Lu Tingxiao for so long without telling her that she had never found out that she was in love. Ning Xi even told her privately that Ke Mingyu was Lu Tingxiao.

This man, who loves her, never forces her to do anything, but stays by her side, respects, pampers, and protects everything about her.

While Lin Zhizhi was discussing some details with Lu Tingxiao, Xiao Tao who was beside her kept staring blankly at Ning Xi behind the glass window with a pale face.

"Brother Xi... Is it possible for her to wake up? When will she wake up? Will she wake up in three months?" Xiao Tao asked eagerly.

Lu Jingli on the side answered dryly, "It's not certain, even a doctor can't know when she will wake up, and...whether she will wake up..."

"Are you saying that Brother Xi might never wake up?" Xiao Tao's body trembled even more.

Lu Jingli smiled wryly, "I can't rule out this possibility..."

Lu Jingli's words were like a switch, Xiao Tao's expression suddenly collapsed, she held the tears all over her face, knelt down in Ning Xi's direction with a "plop", and burst into tears, "Brother Xi... Brother Xi, I'm sorry You...I caused you...I caused you...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

Looking at Xiao Tao who suddenly lost control and cried on the ground, Lin Zhizhi was stunned, and quickly turned around to help her, "Xiao Tao, what's wrong?"

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