Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1742 Betrayal

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Seeing Xiaotao's reaction, Lu Jingli and Lu Tingxiao looked at each other, but they didn't speak. Their eyes were very calm, as if they had already expected it.

"Xiao Tao, get up and talk!"

Xiaotao shook her head vigorously and pushed Lin Zhizhi away, insisting on kneeling, "No! Sister Zhizhi! I won't get up! It was was me who caused Brother was me who made Brother Xi like this...Xi Brother is so kind to me...but I made her like this..."

"Xiao Tao, calm down, what's going on?" Ling Zhizhi's face became more serious.

Xiao Tao was very emotional for a while, and kept repeating "It's all my fault", Ling Zhizhi comforted her for a long time, Xiao Tao finally calmed down a little, knelt there blankly, and said in a trembling voice, "I know ...I've known for a long time...I've known for a long time that someone is secretly trying to kill Brother Xi...they want to kill Brother Xi...they want Brother Xi's life..."

"What? Someone is trying to harm Ning Xi? How do you know?" Ling Zhizhi asked hastily.

Xiaotao choked with sobs and said, "Because those people came to me a long time ago! When I was filming in Chuanshi, that gun...that gun was replaced by me! It was I who replaced the fake gun with a real one! "

"What did you say?" Hearing Xiao Tao's words, Ling Zhizhi was stunned, she never thought that the person who hadn't been found out last time... would be Xiao Tao!

Lu Jingli looked at Xiao Tao who was kneeling on the ground, and sighed softly.

They had been investigating who replaced the gun before, but they couldn't find out who it was, as if the real gun had been replaced out of thin air.

But how could such a thing happen?

Then... maybe there is only one possibility left...

This matter was related to the closest and most trusted person around Ning Xi, so it was possible to change the gun without anyone noticing without leaving any traces.

And the person who was with Ning Xi at that time and had the opportunity, the most likely person was Xiaotao.

"I almost killed brother Xi last time! Fortunately, brother Xi is good at it! I was lucky. I felt that after those people failed this time, they would not dare to take risks again, so I didn't say anything! I didn't remind you. Brother Xi! Unexpectedly, Brother Xi became like this... Sister Zhizhi, I'm sorry... President Lu, I'm sorry... It's all my fault... President Lu, arrest me..." Xiaotao lay on her stomach On the ground, seeing Ning Xi lying on the bed covered in injuries, she cried even harder.

Lu Tingxiao glanced at the girl on the hospital bed with a condensed expression. When he found out it was Xiaotao, he was worried that Ning Xi would not be able to accept it, so he didn't tell her for the time being. Instead, he sent someone to secretly watch Xiaotao's whereabouts.

What is certain is that the person who instigated Xiaotao to want Ning Xi's life is definitely not the same group of people as Qiao Yi.

Xiaotao didn't understand the situation, and thought that Ning Xi's injury this time was caused by the person who ordered her before, so after seeing Ning Xi like this, she suddenly broke down emotionally, thinking that she had hurt Ning Xi, and she revealed it under extreme self-blame. everything.

He deliberately asked Xiaotao to come over today, somewhat hoping that she would confess her feelings.

"Xiao Tao, why on earth did you do this? Who made you do this?" Ling Zhizhi asked urgently.

Xiaotao had a terrified expression on her face, "Sister Zhizhi, you know, I have a younger brother who is studying in university in country M. Those people arrested my younger brother and threatened me, saying that I would kill him if I didn't follow through... I I don't know who they are... I only know that they speak English... there is a translator next to them... they should not be Chinese..."

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