Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1744 Little Baolong Protecting Mother

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Seeing that the atmosphere was really scary, Lu Jingli coughed lightly and smoothed things over, "Okay, now that the matter has been discussed, it's decided. Brother, don't keep your face so straight, do you know that you This makes me pee my pants in fright, you are so close to my sister-in-law, your aura will affect her!"

Hearing the last sentence, Lu Tingxiao's expression relaxed a little.

A few people left the door of the ward and walked into the yard, only to see Jiang Muye squatting under a big tree, his eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

Seeing them come out, Jiang Muye got up and walked over, standing still in front of Lu Tingxiao, "Can I talk to her alone for a while?"

The corners of Lu Jingli's mouth twitched slightly behind him, how could it be possible...


Sure enough, as soon as he thought about it, Lu Jingli heard his brother reply.

Jiang Muye also clenched his fingers tightly.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Tingxiao said again, "Xiaobao is here."

When Jiang Muye heard that something was going on, he quickly said, "Xiaobao is fine!"

Lu Tingxiao didn't say anything, and walked away directly, as a tacit consent.

Only then did Jiang Muye rush in.

"Pfft...Jiang Muye, that idiot..." Lu Jingli shook his head dumbfounded when he saw this.

How could Xiaobao be all right?

This guy is probably going to express his feelings to Ning Xi...

In front of Xiaobao...

Thinking about that scene is so sour...

Lin Zhizhi glanced at the back of Jiang Muye who was rushing in, with a clear expression on his face.

He... regret it...

Many times, people always regret and hate when they lose it, why some things are not said, some things are not done...


In Ning Xi's ward.

Xiao Bao had just finished reading the story of "Little Red Riding Hood" to Ning Xi, when he realized that someone had come in to interrupt him, he frowned displeased.

Jiang Muye quickly explained, "I just wanted to say a few words to her, your father agreed..."

Xiaobao didn't speak or pay attention to him, and continued to sit there quietly.

Jiang Muye coughed lightly, and opened his mouth tentatively, "So, little grandpa, can you avoid it for a while, and let me have a few words with her alone?"

Hearing this, Xiao Bao's indifferent expression suddenly turned cold, and the air in the entire ward became several degrees colder.

Jiang Muye was embarrassed immediately, and finally understood why Lu Tingxiao said "Xiaobao is here" on purpose, "Okay, okay, don't avoid it! You don't need to avoid it..."

Thinking that he was just a child anyway and didn't understand anything, Jiang Muye didn't care that he was here anymore, so he dragged a chair and sat down on the edge of Ning Xi's bed.

Looking closely, the injuries on the girl's body are even more terrifying. There is no life in the whole body, as if all the anger has been drawn away.

Jiang Muye wiped his face, looked at the motionless girl on the hospital bed, " agreed to go out into the sky together..."

After saying this sentence, he buried his head deeply.

After a long time, Jiang Muye murmured bitterly, "I knew... I knew what to do with so much... What to worry about so much... I don't care what you think of me... I don't care who you like... Fuck it For my face... bastard... I... I like it..."

Before Jiang Muye could finish his sentence, a gaze of the howling north wind fixed on him as if it had substance.

Then, as soon as he got emotional, he saw a certain white and tender bun beside the bed staring at him like a giant dragon guarding his treasure.

That small gaze... is simply cruel...

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