Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1745 hook up

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

He said how could someone be so assured that he came to see Ning Xi...

It turned out to be waiting for him here...

In the end, under the attack of the little tyrannosaurus, Jiang Muye was unable to say those words, and sat there with his shoulders slumped, with a look of lovelessness on his face, "What the hell, I was demolished in my last life." Have you visited the Yuelao Temple?"

This marriage line is too cruel!


Late at night, at the border of Country F.

Tang Lang pulled out a blade of grass from somewhere and put it in his mouth. He turned his head and said to the person beside him, "Now that the defense around the target is the weakest, the only thing that needs attention is the one wearing glasses. I'll go and seduce that guy later... er no, hook him up!"

The man in black next to him: "..." Is there a difference between hooking up and seducing?

The man in black said in an uncertain tone, "Are you sure we have enough people? I think it's a little too risky! The other side is playing with arms, in case the other side..."

"Don't worry, didn't the BOSS say that the people over there will definitely not interfere this time, don't be cowardly, just feel free to do it boldly!" Tang Lang said in a firm tone.

In fact, he was also very worried at first, but since Lu Tingxiao had already said that there was no problem, he believed that there must be no problem.

It wasn't that he blindly believed in Lu Tingxiao...but that he really had to believe in this evil!

For example, last time, who would have thought that Lu Tingxiao would call Satan directly at a critical moment, and in the end Satan actually reported the exact location immediately and obeyed him...

Regarding his understanding of Satan, he still believed in Lu Tingxiao's judgment.

After Tang Lang finished speaking, he unhurriedly took out his mobile phone and sent Tang Ye a text message: [I am in a small forest 800 meters away from your ten o'clock direction. I can now tell you what you asked last time. you answer. are you coming? ]

Almost at the moment when he sent this text message, Tang Ye immediately replied him with one word: [OK]

After hooking up successfully, Tang Lang proudly made an OK gesture to the person behind him after watching a familiar figure walk out of the house, "It's done, let's do it!"

In the night, a hidden group of people approached the building in front of them silently...

in the woods.

When Tang Ye came over, Tang Lang was sitting on a thick branch of an uncle.

Seeing someone coming, he jumped down, "Oh, here we come! So fast!"

"Answer!" Tang Ye looked at the man opposite him expressionlessly.

Tang Lang shrugged and said, "Tsk, you already know, why ask me again?"

"I want to hear it from you!" Tang Ye's eyes became sharper.

"Well~ okay~ I'll say yes! Let's fight first? I'll tell you if you win!" Tang Lang attacked directly as he spoke.

Tang Ye's face remained unchanged, he moved slightly to avoid his attack, and then the two of them fought in one place.

After ten moves, Tang Lang looked at the gold-rimmed glasses on the opponent's face, and a gleam of fire flashed in his eyes, "Tsk, why don't you take off your glasses? Do you look down on me?"

After all, the moves are more violent!

After a hundred moves, Tang Lang's wailing sounded in the woods, "Damn it! Tang Ye, you pervert!"

What the hell is really a super perverted physique, how long has it been since I saw him, and he even drew with him without taking off his glasses, without being violent...

Once Tang Ye enters the fighting state, he will not be distracted at all, and will not notice anything outside.

And this was exactly what Tang Lang wanted.

I don't know how many tricks have passed, Tang Lang looked at the signal of the success of the secret operation not far away, and his expression immediately relaxed.

And at this moment, he was strangled by Tang Ye.

Tang Lang suddenly approached the opponent with his body, but instead of attacking, he hugged him immediately, and whispered in the man's ear, "Senior brother, I'm sorry..."

Hearing this sentence, Tang Ye suddenly woke up from the fighting state, and looked towards the direction not far away with a drastic change of expression, "Tang Lang! You..."

Seeing that Tang Lang was about to rush over immediately, Tang Lang said in a cold voice, "No need to go, the person has already taken it away. Brother, don't blame me, as I said, I don't want to be your enemy, this is the only thing I can do." Think of a way."

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