Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1746 Play with your own eggs

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Huaguo, a garden in the suburbs of Beijing.

Feng Jin covered his gunshot wound and stumbled into a dark room, "Satan! Uncle Qiao was kidnapped by Lu Tingxiao's men! Hurry... Hurry up and send someone to rescue him! Otherwise it will be too late... ...If he falls into Lu Tingxiao's hands..."

Inside the large sandalwood chair, the expression on the silver-haired man's face did not fluctuate at all. He tilted his head, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip unhurriedly, then raised his dull eyes, and said quietly , "What does it have to do with me?"

Feng Jin's face froze suddenly, his expression was full of despair, and he said excitedly, "Satan! Uncle Qiao was at fault for keeping the matter from you before, but everything Uncle Qiao did was for you! You don't want to fight him any more. Even if you are angry, you can't see him die! He is your..."

Swept by the man's icy and bone-chilling peripheral vision, Feng Jin's face turned pale, he suddenly fell silent, and swallowed back the words behind him, "Master, you just see that he has been by your side for so many years, and he has worked hard without credit..."

"Heh, you're selling yourself in front of me now? When you took what I said as bullshit, why didn't you think that I was the master?"

Feng Jin himself has a previous record of obedience and transgression, so he is naturally more guilty. Facing the other party's anger at this moment, he can only bite the bullet and continue begging, "For your mother's sake..."

Hearing Feng Jin mentioning his mother, Yun Shen's face turned colder, "Who gave you the illusion that I have such a good temper? Will I give chances to disobedient people again and again?"

Seeing that the other party was determined to make Ren Qiaoyi fend for himself, Feng Jin became anxious, "Uncle Qiao has so many things in his hands, and the consequences of falling into Lu Tingxiao's hands would be disastrous! The black dragon is the best lesson from the past!"

Before, they thought that the black dragon really didn't say anything, but it turned out that all their underground channels had been leaked, which put them in an extremely passive situation, and they fell into a large number of people unprepared.

Yun Shen's expression was already stained with impatience, "I ordered him to stop all the things you called a year ago, but how did you do it in private? I really think I don't know anything. ?”

"If those businesses are really cut off, we'll lose an arm. How can we fight against the Lu family? This is Lu Tingxiao's plan to divide people. You must not fall for it! If Uncle Qiao really gets involved, how much turmoil will be caused by the organization Have you ever thought that after Lu Tingxiao dealt with Uncle Qiao, you must be next!"

"Really? I'm looking forward to it."


Feng Jin tried hard to persuade him, but in the end he had no choice but to back out with a face full of defeat.

Feng Xiaoxiao leaned against the door, looking at Feng Jin's face with an expected expression, "It's useless to say what I said earlier! Do you think he is still the puppet of Uncle Qiao who was controlled by everything?"

"But everything Uncle Joe did was for him! How could he be so ungrateful!"

Feng Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "What the hell! That guy is the hottest thing, okay? If you hadn't been smart enough to kidnap Xiaobao, it's not sure who will win the battle with the Lu family this time." That pervert who was looking forward to this battle with Lu Tingxiao so much that he was ruined by you all, can he not be popular? Now it's all right! Since you are so capable, you are finished! go!"

Feng Jin's face became more and more ugly when he heard that. When Qiao Yi wanted to move Ning Xi, he had some concerns, but he thought that Satan would get angry at most, and he would not do anything to Qiao Yi anyway, but unexpectedly, he actually To the point of a complete break!

"The problem now is how to convince the master..."

"Don't be naive, this time you've moved into someone's restricted area, it's useless for anyone to tell you, just wait for death!"

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