Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1747 Do you want it?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Look at Tang Ye, he is much smarter than you. I knew it was impossible, and I never thought of coming to that guy at all!"

When Tang Ye was mentioned, a glint of hope flashed in Feng Jin's eyes, "Perhaps Tang Ye has a way..."

Feng Xiaoxiao sighed, "What can we do? We didn't even rescue the black dragon last time, so we still expect to rescue Uncle Qiao this time? What's more, there is Tang Lang over there this time..."

"Don't mention that traitor!!!"


The basement of a winery owned by the Lu family in the suburbs.


The thick soundproof walls cut off the creepy howls in the room...

"I said... I said... I said it all..."

Lu Jingli curled his lips, "Isn't it? So fast? Your little black dragon has survived for three days!"

Lu Tingxiao sat on the sofa with no expression on his face.

Qiao Yi's kneecap was dug out in one piece with the minced meat, and he collapsed on the ground like a dead dog. His dark eyes stared at the man on the opposite sofa who was expensive but whose methods were more terrifying than devils. It is the color of fear.

Fortunately, he actually thought that the black dragon could hold on...

He thought Lu Tingxiao was just a businessman full of money, but he didn't expect that his methods were even better than people like them!

Under such punishment, even a god can't hold it...

Heh, the members of the Lu family are indeed hypocritical villains!

He can't die, he absolutely can't die! The Lu family has not yet been destroyed! How could he die in such a place, by the hands of these people!

As long as he can go out today, he will never let these people go!

And that ungrateful little bastard actually let him die...

Hearing Qiao Yi let go, the man on the sofa still showed no expression: "Continue."

Lu Jingli scratched his head, "Huh? But he said he was going to recruit? Well, well, it's definitely not the truth to recruit so soon! Let's continue..."


Dawn is approaching.

The man stepped out of the room, dressed in a black suit as always, as if he had just come off some elegant reception, except for the faint hostility and bloody smell mixed with him.

Lu Jingli glanced at his brother beside him in a daze, for some reason, he couldn't help but feel warm instead of any chill in his heart.

He prefers such a brother.

Such a real him, even a frightening him, does not always look so perfect that he is not real, and does not hide all the dark sides in front of him.

Tang Lang, who was sitting at the bar, heard the footsteps behind him, and turned his head with a slightly drunken expression, "It's done?"

Lu Jingli waved the recording chip in his hand, "It's done! It's enough for him to be sentenced to death!"

Hearing this, Tang Lang raised his brows and muttered in a low voice, "Why are you making such trouble? Just do it!"

Lu Tingxiao glanced at him indifferently: "It's legal."

Lu Jingli walked over to get a glass of wine, took a sip, put his arm on Tang Lang's shoulder and explained, "My brother means that we are good citizens who abide by the law. Of course we must know the law and abide by the law, and act according to the law!"

The corners of Tang Lang's mouth twitched when he heard that, yes, you guys are really law-abiding, compared to yours, the prison is simply heaven...

"You want?" Lu Tingxiao looked at him and asked suddenly.

"Huh? What do you want?" Tang Lang didn't react.

A koi brand translator continued to translate, "My brother asks you, do you want this guy's life? It was originally planned to be given to the black cat. If you want it, I can give it to you! After all, thanks to you this time, we can Get this guy!"

As soon as the words finished, Tang Lang's face was slightly startled. After a moment of silence, he shrugged and said, "Forget it, you're right, let's be good citizens who obey the law!"

Forget it... that's it...

If he killed that person with his own hands, he would not be hunted down by Tang Ye for the rest of his life...

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