Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1750 dispelling all the haze in the world

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Innocent? Ziyao, do you really think...they are innocent?" Mo Lingtian directly clicked on the second recording, and all the explicit words of the Guan family poured directly into the closed box.

After the recording ended, there was a dead silence in the box.

"Ling Tian..."

Before Guan Ziyao could defend himself, Mo Lingtian continued, "At my father's birthday banquet, the time when Ning Xi was pushed into the water and nearly drowned, was it all arranged by you? Oh, I still believe it. You, that was just an accident..."

Guan Ziyao stared at the man in front of her with a broken heart, "No matter what they did, they are my father and my brother! What do you want me to do? Am I just going to watch everything in the Guan family be destroyed and ignore it?"

Mo Lingtian's back was stiff, his eyes were scarlet, and there was disappointment and coldness in his eyes that she had never seen before, "Zi Yao, you know everything about your family, don't you? But you never stopped! "

"Heh..." Facing Mo Lingtian's questioning, Guan Ziyao suddenly sneered, raised his eyes and stared at his words, "Why should I stop? That woman is not worthy of Ting at all." Xiao! If Tingxiao hadn't been deceived and bewitched by that woman, our two families would have already married. With the strength of our Guan family, our two families would join forces. That illegitimate child wouldn't be anything to fear. None of this would have happened, Xiaobao He won't be kidnapped either! But now Tingxiao wants to bring down the Guan family at the expense of both of them! It's all because of that woman!"

Looking at the woman in front of him, Mo Lingtian suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

He hated Guan Ziyao's paranoia to the extreme, but he couldn't say a word about her, because... why didn't he treat her like this?

Knowing that it is absolutely impossible, knowing that she has someone she likes, she still can't let go...

In the past, no matter what happened or what he faced, as long as he could look at her and hear her speak, he would be extremely satisfied and willing to do everything for her.

Especially after she returned to China, he felt that his whole person had gained a new life. No matter what he did, he was full of motivation, and tried every means to please her, even if he didn't get a response, he was still happy.

But now, every time we meet, there is only the depression that makes him breathless...

The girl in his memory that made his heart flutter was getting farther and farther away from him, and became more and more blurred. He almost couldn't remember what the girl he liked was like. Is it really the same person as the one in front of him?

Mo Lingtian's heart ached uncontrollably.

At this time, the phone vibrated slightly, and a foreign phone number sent him a photo.

On a secluded path, a girl was wearing a light green floral dress, squatting on the side of the road, teasing a round orange kitten, the expression on her face was so gentle that if it could dispel all the haze in the world, it would still be entangled with the moment. His sense of suffocation also suddenly dissipated...



Realizing that the name suddenly appeared repeatedly in his mind, Mo Lingtian suddenly changed his face, and hastily retracted the phone.

What he likes is Ziyao, what he loves is Ziyao, he swore that he will only like this woman in his life, but what is he doing now!

This feeling of betraying himself made him even more painful...

"Ling Tian, ​​we did make a mistake this time. My brother shouldn't touch Xiaobao no matter what, but fortunately, he didn't think of hurting Xiaobao. Xiaobao was fine at the time, and that woman has always had trouble with Tingxiao. Be careful, we didn't cause any harm to her, did we? She is injured now, and it has nothing to do with our Guan family! Tingxiao has gone too far by venting his anger like this! Ling Tian..."

Mo Lingtian took a deep breath and interrupted her, "Ziyao, with your father, I can help you find someone to reduce the sentence as much as possible, but the company's affairs... sorry, I can't intervene."

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