Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1751 I also give up

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Hearing Mo Lingtian said that he could not intervene, Guan Ziyao had an expression of disbelief on his face.

This man used to be willing to do anything for her, not to mention that now is the time when she needs help the most.

"Ling Tian, ​​Tingxiao said that. The only person I can ask for now is you, and the only one who can speak to Tingxiao is you. If I hadn't been desperate, I would never have troubled you..."

Mo Lingtian's expression became numb, "Ziyao, the three of us grew up together, you are my friend, and Tingxiao is also my brother, this matter was originally at fault with your Guan family, this is already something I can do." The ultimate for you is also... the last thing I can do for you."

What's more, Ning Xi is not only Tingxiao's sweetheart, but also... Tianxin's cousin...

Guan Ziyao immediately clenched her fingers, "What do you mean?"

Mo Lingtian closed his eyes, and then said, "Ziyao, I understand your attachment to Tingxiao, because I am also the same to you."

"Ling Tian, ​​I knew you would understand me..."

Before Guan Ziyao could continue talking, Mo Lingtian had already interrupted her, "But, Ziyao, I like you, I like you and pursue you openly, and I have never done anything to hurt you or the people around you in private. I never forced you to do anything. And you don't like Tingxiao anymore, to really like someone, you don't have to get him, or even use any means! Do you understand?"

Mo Lingtian didn't know whether to say these words to Guan Ziyao or to himself.

It's just that after saying this, it seems that the whole person has been relieved.

He remembered what Lu Jingli said to him, some people are not what he seems...

He has always thought that the person he likes is the most special, she is different from all girls, so maverick and dazzling, he believes that she is really cool and let go...

He believes that she is what he thinks and constructs in his heart, he has been living in memory, immersed in fantasy...

In fact, he should have noticed it a long time ago. She kept saying let go, but she kept looking for opportunities to get close to Tingxiao through him. From the beginning to the end, her value to her was probably only Lu Tingxiao's brother, and even her friend. It doesn't even count...

It's just that he doesn't want to speculate on the girl he likes with the greatest malice, and he doesn't want to believe that the person he has liked for so long is the kind of person he hates the most...

After Mo Lingtian finished speaking, he stood up, opened the door and left.

Guan Ziyao sat there blankly, looking at the direction the man left, as if she knew what she had lost at this moment...

In the next second, she quickly stood up, chased after Mo Lingtian, grabbed his arm, and said in a trembling voice, "Lingtian... I'm sorry... I know I let you down... I know I cheated For you...I never gave up on him...but I...really can't help myself...I can't help myself...I love him...

I really can't watch the Guan family be destroyed in my hands, please, just this once... okay? This time I really gave up, I won't bother him again..."

Mo Lingtian looked at the girl's hand, but didn't speak.

After a while, he slowly tore off the girl's fingers from his arm, and said, "Zi Yao, I've given up too."

Guan Ziyao immediately turned pale.

"For you, I have done too many wrong things and hurt too many people. So, sorry."

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