Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1752 Chapter 1753 Could it be that I went to find Tianxin

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

a week later.

Lu Jingli's mouth was full of blisters, it was all caused by his persuasion to his brother these days, his mouth was so frightened that he wouldn't listen to anything.

I really miss the time when Xiao Xixi was there, as long as she said a word, she could do whatever she wanted, not to mention how good she was...

Thinking of this made him want to cry again.

Lu Jingli was moaning and feeling sad when his phone rang. He glanced casually and found that it was from the Mo family.

"Hello, Aunt Mo?"

As soon as the phone was picked up, Kang Shuhui's anxious voice came from the other end, "Jing Li, have you seen Ling Tian in the past few days?"

"Brother Tian? No! What's the matter?"

"Ling Tian hasn't seen anyone for a whole week! The cell phone is connected, but no one answers it. I asked everywhere, but no one knows where he went! I'm almost dying of anxiety!"

"What? Missing?" Lu Jingli's expression changed slightly.

a week ago……

Isn't that when he told Brother Tian the truth?

"Could it be that I can't figure out what happened..." Lu Jingli muttered subconsciously.

Kang Shuhui almost went crazy when she heard that, "Jingli! What are you talking about? What happened? Do you know something? You must tell Auntie! During this time... since what happened to Tianxin last time... he I have always been very quiet... I go home on time every day... I don't know why it disappeared for so long..."

Lu Jingli was also worried about what might happen, so he could only tell the truth, "A week ago, Brother Tian came to ask me what happened to my brother and the Guan family..."

"Then what? I knew it must have something to do with that woman again! He would do this only when it was related to her! Before, the Guan family asked Ling Tian and his father, but we didn't know the inside story, so we didn't Intervene!"

"Then I'll tell you the truth, basically the Guan family has been using tricks behind their backs to harm my brother's girlfriend several times, and even almost harmed Xiaobao... I don't think Brother Tian has much meddling in this matter this time. , I should have figured it out, but I might not be able to accept it for a while..."

As Lu Jingli said, he hurriedly comforted him, "But don't worry, Auntie, it's so easy for an old man to get into trouble. He probably just felt bad and went to find a place to be alone. When I'm not happy, I'll Often like this!"


"Really, don't worry, I will help you find it together!"

"Okay...ok...thank you Jingli..."


After Kang Shuhui made the call, she immediately told Mo Jianzhang about the situation.

Mo Jianzhang pondered, "Then let him calm down for a few days, what are you in a hurry for?"

"Can I not be in a hurry! It's not that you don't know how desperate our son is for that woman! What if he suffers too much this time? It's been seven days! My grandson is gone, don't you Do you have to be happy without your son?"

Mo Jianzhang saw that his wife was getting more and more outrageous, so he could only quickly say, "Isn't this already sent to look for it! Can you wait patiently first? That brat doesn't know where he went! Even I can't find him!"

At this time, Kang Shuhui didn't know what to think of, and suddenly said, "You said... Could it be that Ling Tian is looking for Tianxin?"

"Tianxin?" Mo Jianzhang's face was slightly condensed, "Didn't Tianxin go abroad?"

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