Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1753 Relieved

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

However, the more Kang Shuhui thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, "Actually, I was watching from the sidelines during this time, our Lingtian and Tianxin are definitely not as boring as he thinks, it's just that the brat didn't realize it himself. You didn't realize Ever since Tianxin left, has he been out of his mind? Coupled with the stimulation of the Guan family incident this time, maybe he really went to find Tianxin?"

Mo Jianzhang was also shaken by what she said, "What if it's not true? It's too inappropriate for you to rush to find other girls!"

Kang Shuhui hesitated for a long time, "Of course I don't want to disturb Tianxin, and I don't have the face to go to her... Forget it... Let's wait for tomorrow to see if there is any news..."



Mo Lingtian still couldn't find anyone.

Kang Shuhui's spirit finally broke down, she couldn't care about anything else, she dialed Ning Tianxin's overseas number that her husband had found out with her fingers shaking.


Hearing the clear and gentle voice on the phone, Kang Shuhui couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears, "Tianxin...I...I'm Ling Tian's mother..."

"Madam Mo?" The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little surprised.

"Did I disturb your rest?" Kang Shuhui apologized.

"No, it's afternoon here, but you... so early... what's the matter?"

Listening to the gentle and polite attitude of the girl on the other end of the phone, Kang Shuhui felt even more guilty, and her face became hot. At this moment, even if Tianxin hung up her phone directly, she was completely understandable, but this girl's kindness and recuperation are completely different. Infiltrated to the bone, even after going through so much, it is still the same.

"Tianxin, I'm sorry to disturb you. I just ask a question and hang up immediately. I don't know if Ling Tian has been looking for you these days?" Kang Shuhui asked nervously.

Probably because of hearing Mo Lingtian's name, the other end of the phone was silent for a second, and then said, "No."

"No?" The last glimmer of hope was gone, Kang Shuhui's face froze suddenly, her heart felt as if it had fallen into an ice cellar.

Listening to the faint sobbing, the girl asked, "Mrs. Mo, are you okay?"

"I'm's Ling Tian...Ling Tian suddenly disappeared...I'm worried that something happened to him...His cell phone is connected, but no one answers...If possible, can I trouble you and give him You can make a phone call or send a message... Ask him where he is...Maybe if you call...he will respond..." Kang Shuhui cried and begged.


"I know this is a bit difficult, and I also know that I may be in a hurry to go to the doctor. If it's inconvenient, it's okay, it's okay..."

"I, try it, but I won't be of much help..."

"Really? That's great! Thank you! Thank you Tianxin! Thank you no matter what!"


Country M, Los Angeles.

Ning Tianxin hung up the phone, then sat quietly on the bench on campus, staring blankly.

Just now because she couldn't stand Kang Shuhui's begging, she agreed.

After calming down, I felt that it was absurd for her to intervene in this matter...

After thinking for a while, she dialed Ning Xi's number.

"Hey, Xiao Xi..."

"Hi, hello, I'm Ning Xi's manager Lin Zhizhi, are you Ning Xi's cousin?" The voice on the phone was not Ning Xi.


"Sorry, she is working, it may not be convenient to answer the phone now, can I ask her to text you back later?"

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