Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1755 The only thing I can do for you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

[Tian Xin: Where are you? Your mother is worried about you, if you see it, please call her back. ]

Looking at the message, Mo Lingtian's blood flowing backwards and his uncontrollable emotions all calmed down in an instant.

not a hallucination...

It was not an illusion...

The little old man at the stall was humming a song while tallying the goods. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the young man who was squatting in front of his door charging. He didn’t know what happened. Finally, a drop of water fell on the screen of his mobile phone...

"Hey! Young man, what's the matter with you? Do you really need help?" The little old man ran over worriedly and asked.

The man didn't look up: "Give me a pack of cigarettes."

"What kind do you want? I don't have any good cigarettes here, and I'm worried that you won't be used to it..."

"Whatever, it's okay."

While looking at him, the little old man hesitated to take a pack of cigarettes from the shelf and gave him a lighter.

Mo Lingtian lit a cigarette, took a puff, and immediately coughed repeatedly due to the choking smell.

The little old man laughed when he saw it, "Come on! This is the smell of our smoke, it's strong enough!"

The folk customs here are simple and simple. The little old man was probably worried about what happened to him, so he kept talking to him. Those words rang in his ears. The salty breath hits the face...

Mo Lingtian quietly looked at the message on the phone, over and over again.

There seemed to be something in the body, which was suddenly filled with a huge force, and broke out from the dark soil...

Time flows quietly...

The man stared at the message motionlessly, his finger fell on the reply box, after all, he still did nothing.

When the battery of the mobile phone was a little bit higher, Mo Lingtian opened the address book and called home.

"Hey, mom..."

"Ling Tian... Ling Tian! It's really you! You brat! Where did you go? Do you know that you almost scared my mother to death! What's the matter with your voice? Are you sick? Are you sick? Where are you feeling? Where are you now? Where have you been these past few days?" Kang Shuhui immediately asked a series of questions.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'll go back right away, and I won't worry you in the future."

"You child..." Hearing the hoarse and haggard voice of the son on the other end, Kang Shuhui felt very distressed.

"Mom, please, call Tianxin back and tell me I'm fine." The man said.

When Kang Shuhui on the other end of the phone heard this, she was stunned for a moment, "Has Tianxin contacted you? Why don't you tell her yourself? Ling Tian, ​​tell me honestly, do you have feelings for Tianxin..."

"Mom, no." The man said without any hesitation in his tone, and then he said, "Please call back for me, my phone is almost out of battery."

Kang Shuhui didn't doubt that he was there, and she wanted to see her son as soon as possible, so she hurriedly said, "Oh oh good...then you come back quickly!"



After smoking a cigarette, the man stood up slowly, "Thanks, the cigarette is good."

The little old man looked at him with a smile, "Really! Anyone who has smoked here agrees! Young man, did you... have something happened to you?"

The man quietly glanced at the sea not far away, "I just suddenly figured out something."

He finally understands and is willing to admit that in the long years and company, he fell in love with another girl.

But, when he found out, they were no longer possible.

The only thing I can do for you is only one.

do not bother……



[Good night, babies, let's take a little less today, everyone, don't stay up, go to bed early, I will make up some more during the day! ! ! 】

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