Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1756 Invite Xiao Xi together

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Ning family.

"Ma'am, Missy is back!"

Hearing the maid's announcement, Zhuang Lingyu on the sofa immediately got up to greet her with a face full of joy.

Ning Xueluo handed over the big and small bags in her hand to the servant at the side, and called out sweetly, "Mom!"

"Hey, come in quickly! Look at you, you are sweating profusely. You have to go to your family's company all day long, and your own company is also preparing to go public. You are so busy, why are you running to me!"

"Mom, I miss you! I specially entrusted someone to get these donkey-hide gelatin and bird's nest. The quality is very good. You can take some supplements when you are free!"

"You keep these for your mother-in-law!"

"I also sent it to my mother-in-law."

Zhuang Lingyu took her hand with concern, "How is it? How are you at Su's house recently? What's Zheng Minjun's attitude towards you?"

Ning Xueluo forced a smile, "Although it's not comparable to before...but it's already much better..."

Looking at her daughter's expression, she knew that she must have been wronged a lot in the Su family, and Zhuang Lingyu's face was inevitably a little ugly.

Ning Xueluo hurriedly said, "Mom, don't worry about me, I will definitely work hard to give you credit and let everyone know that you have raised a good daughter!"

Ning Xueluo's words really hit her heart, and Zhuang Lingyu couldn't stop ironing, "Hey, Xueluo, you're already doing well, it's those snobbish eyes who don't know people!"

Ning Xueluo was about to speak when she saw Ning Zhiyuan coming back from the outside leaning on a cane, she hurriedly got up and said hello, "Grandpa!"

"Yeah." Ning Zhiyuan nodded slightly, didn't say much, and was about to go back to the house, he didn't know what he thought of, he stopped and said, "Wenbo will return to China tomorrow night, let's have a family reunion, you can call Xiaoxi together superior."

Zhuang Lingyu's face suddenly darkened, "Dad, it's not that you don't know that girl's temperament, have you forgotten what she said before? She doesn't even bother to have anything to do with our Ning family! My ass is cold!"

At this time, Ning Yaohua, who was behind him, walked over, coughed lightly and said, "Lingyu, the child is also angry, and we have done something wrong in some places, and she feels a little bit wronged in her heart. The family is kind and friendly." It's the best, why bother to meet a child! I think we should call Xiao Xi together tomorrow night!"

Only then did Ning Zhiyuan nodded in satisfaction, then he stood there as if he didn't believe him and said, "Then you call now."

Ning Yaohua shook his head helplessly, "Dad, you still don't believe me? I'll do it now!"

Zhuang Lingyu became anxious when she saw it, and kept winking at Ning Yaohua.

Ning Yaohua lowered his voice and said, "Dad is not in good health, don't get mad at him because of this, it's just a meal together, besides, even if we don't invite, Qiu Tong will definitely invite Xiao Xi to join us Yes, why always let her be such a good person and drive us apart!"

Ning Xueluo who was at the side heard the word "family" in Ning Yaohua's mouth, a glint of scorn flashed in her eyes.

In front of the old man, Zhuang Lingyu couldn't say much, and Ning Yaohua was determined, so he could only let him make a call.

"Hey, Xiao Xi... you tomorrow night..."

After Ning Yaohua dialed Ning Xi's cell phone, he was about to play the role of a loving father, but was interrupted by that mechanical voice.

"Hi, hello, who is it? I'm Ning Xi's manager. She's working and it's not convenient to answer the phone right now."

Ning Yaohua was stunned for a moment, and then said proudly, "I am her father, tell her, she will take it."

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