Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1772 Everything is fine today

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After that, Ning Xi was brought to Lu Town by Lu Tingxiao from the nursing home.

The imperial capital is very expensive, and this small town was originally to be rebuilt and rebuilt like other places. However, all the residents of the small town gathered together to protest, and one of the local residents was an internationally renowned geologist. Home, after many trips, this town has been preserved as a cultural heritage, and in order to protect the geological features, it is not open to the public.

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled the entire garden, and the ears were filled with the melodious singing of birds, and the dew on the rose petals on the flower stand reflected colorful light.

"Mr. Lu, it's so early today?" The nurse saw the person coming from a distance, hurriedly came out from the house, and took the coat from the man's hand.

"How is Ma'am today?" The man asked as usual.

"Ma'am, everything is fine today." The nurse replied hastily.

"En." The man nodded, and then walked upstairs.

The nurse quickly filled the hot water and brought it up as usual, and then exited the room.

Although she is a professional nurse hired by the Lu family with a high salary, in fact her work is really pitiful. This man has learned all the skills of a nurse, and he does all the nursing for his wife by himself, even better than her professional It's all good.

For a whole year, rain or shine, without interruption.

She has worked as a nurse for so many years, and has seen too many warmth and coldness in the world. As the saying goes, there is no filial son before the bed for a long time. This theory is also common between husband and wife. For a long time...the only ones who accompany these patients are their nurses.

This is the first time she has seen a man who can do this to his wife...

inside the room.

Lu Tingxiao casually rolled up his shirt sleeves, soaked the towel in hot water, wrung it dry, and began to wipe the girl on the bed.

Back then, all the injuries on Ning Xi's body were treated by that mysterious long-haired man. Even the best suturing doctor in the military hospital was amazed by the man's suture skills.

After a year of recovery and supplemented with scar-removing drugs, Ning Xi's body could hardly see any signs of injury.

On the contrary, because of staying indoors for many years, coupled with meticulous care, the girl's skin is fairer and more tender, lying quietly on the bed, as if she will wake up in the next second.

Lu Tingxiao wiped the girl's body and applied various skin care products. After that, he carefully combed her long jet-black hair, and then massaged her body skillfully.

After everything was done, the man sat on the edge of the bed and gently pressed a kiss on the girl's forehead.

Every day, the same process, the same action is repeated.

At this moment, there was a sound of people going up the stairs outside the door, which interrupted the man's trance, and then he saw Xiaobao running towards the room with a large bunch of freshly picked flowers in his hand.

As a result, because he ran too fast, he didn't pay attention when he crossed the threshold. The little guy tripped and fell firmly to the ground, spilling the wild flowers in his hand all over the ground.

Lu Tingxiao got up hurriedly, strode over to help Xiaobao up, and looked at the redness and swelling on his knee with a frown.

"Stay still, I'll get the medicine." Lu Tingxiao immediately turned to look for the medicine box with a serious face.

Behind him, Xiao Bao sat on the floor, looking at the wound on his knee in a daze.

Lu Tingxiao was wiping him with the potion, but the little guy just stared at his knee in a daze, without saying a word, and didn't move his eyes from the beginning to the end.

"What's wrong?" Lu Tingxiao asked with a frown.

The little guy touched his knees, raised his head, looked at the man with dark eyes and replied, "Mom... Mom will give Xiaobao..."

Lu Tingxiao's face froze immediately, the fragile shell around his body seemed to have been hit hard, and it was full of cracks.

After a while, the man stabilized his emotions, looked at his son, bent over, and clumsily blew on the injured son's knee, "Does it still hurt?"

Xiao Bao rubbed his eyes, then shook his head, "I'm no longer a five-year-old child."

Mom, Xiaobao is already six years old, and in a few months, Xiaobao will be seven years old.

Mom, when I am seven years old, will you wake up?

Mom, I know I'm not a kid anymore.

But, Mom, I miss you so much...


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