Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1773 The family does not make a family

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Not long after dinner, Lu Tingxiao's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" Lu Tingxiao picked up the phone.

"Hey! Brother! It's not good...Dad...Dad passed out at home...He has been sent to the hospital now...the doctor said...this time...may not make it through..." Lu Jingli intermittently heard from the other end of the phone The voice was obviously out of proportion.

The man's face suddenly sank like a deep pool, "I'll be right there."

"Wait! Brother, why don't you bring Xiaobao over here, just in case Dad..." After all, Lu Jingli couldn't say what happened.

The man paused, "Got it."


At night, Imperial Hospital.

Lu Chongshan had just been rescued and was lying in the intensive care unit.

"Doctor? How is my husband?"

The attending doctor looked serious, "Mr. Lu has been in poor health for a while, and this time is especially dangerous. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get through..."

Yan Ruyi's body trembled, she couldn't stand up at all, and she fell into Lu Jingli's arms, crying uncontrollably, "Chongshan..."

"Mom, don't cry! Dad, it's okay! Didn't you survive so many times? Didn't you survive the danger six years ago? Dad has gone through so many storms, and he will definitely be able to do it this time." Get over it!" Lu Jingli comforted with a firm tone.

The doctor also quickly comforted, "Our side will definitely do our best."

Xiaobao stared blankly at the old man in the intensive care unit through the glass window, gently took grandma's hand, and clenched it tightly.

Yan Ruyi squatted down, and hugged Xiaobao in her arms, like hugging the last piece of driftwood.

Lu Tingxiao, who was silent all this time, glanced at the doctor, and then called him to a distance in a low voice.

"I want to listen to the truth." Lu Tingxiao said straight to the point.

The doctor replied with a wry smile, "Actually, the most important thing is to see the patient's own will to survive. You have seen the state of the old man in the past year. He has a stagnation in his heart, and the stagnation will not get rid of. It will have the current result, and it will be a matter of time." ...His illness is greatly affected by his mood..."

In fact, they had expected it a long time ago. Starting from the family banquet, Lu Chongshan's body has been weakened by the sight of this series of incidents over the past year...

"We will definitely try our best here. As family members, there is not much you can do now. Try your best to comfort him and let him relax. Maybe it will get better." The doctor said this, but he didn't have much hope. It's been a year, and any stagnation can be resolved long ago, how can it get better overnight.

"Got it, thank you."

Yan Ruyi was tired from crying, and she sat on the bench in a daze and murmured, "Your father...although he doesn't usually say...but he knows...everything. You...have also harmed Xiaobao...Xiao Xi has been lying on the bed like this for the rest of her and Xiaobao's also ruined...our entire family is also ruined...the family is not married..."

Lu Jingli and Lu Tingxiao stood there silently, neither of them said anything.

In the quiet corridor, only the sound of Yan Ruyi's mournful weeping was left, and the haze shrouded everyone's head.

Since then, Lu Chongshan has been staying in the hospital.

Only when Xiaobao was around, Lu Chongshan's condition was better, and he could barely eat a few mouthfuls. During this time, Xiaobao was always with him in the hospital.

The news of Lu Chongshan's critical illness leaked out, and everyone in the family rushed to the imperial capital to inquire about the situation. Suddenly, the entire family and group were panicked...

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