Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1774 The first morning sun

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!



The darkness that seems to never end...

She didn't know how long she had walked, and she didn't know how far she had walked...

All I know is that this road seems to never end...

so tired...

so tired...

that's all……

Just lie down here...

Her consciousness was gradually stripped away and swallowed by the darkness bit by bit...

However, every time when she was about to be completely swallowed by the swamp-like darkness, there was always a faint light shining in front of her, faintly but persistently, and there seemed to be a gentle and beautiful voice in her ears, which never stopped, She has been continuously reinjecting strength into her body.

She got up again, kept walking, kept walking...

She is too tired, she doesn't know anything, she can't think about anything, but she always remembers one thing, there is something important, very important, waiting for her on the other side of the faint light...


So repeatedly, I don't know how long and how many times it lasted.

Finally, the light became brighter and brighter, and it seemed to be getting closer to her, even closer.

With the last of her strength, she slammed into the direction of the light——


The dazzling white light enveloped her overwhelmingly, and the whole world changed from extremely black to extremely white.

In the room filled with the fragrance of flowers, the simple and exquisitely furnished carved wooden bed is extremely comfortable. The girl in a white nightgown is trembling under her eyelids with eyes that have not responded for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, those eyes finally slowly opened bit by bit, and the eyelashes stretched and fluttered like butterfly wings.

The first rays of the morning sun fell into those clear eyes, which was unbelievably beautiful.

Her eyes were filled with dazzling white light, and after a long time, her eyesight finally recovered slowly, and she could see everything in front of her clearly.

Above the head is a lace curtain and a retro-patterned ceiling, a fresh and elegantly furnished room with a bouquet of beautiful wild flowers in an enamel vase on the table, and the wind chimes at the door ding-dong ding-dong with the breeze.

Outside the window, the jewel-like radiant lake reflects the sky and the rising sun above.

Like a fairy tale world.

Did she go from a nightmare to a sweet dream?

Ning Xi turned her eyes and looked around everything, then supported her body with her arms and sat up slowly.

Her originally flexible body became extremely stiff for some reason, but she had difficulty doing just one movement of standing up.

There is also the breathing mask on her face, and the wiring of various instruments on her body, all of which make her unhappy.

Ning Xi obeyed her will and took off all those things one by one. It took another half a day to get used to her stiff body. She slowly got out of bed and walked out of the room in a daze.

Ning Xi's whole body seemed to be stepping on clouds, drifting up and down, and unconsciously, she went downstairs, passed the garden, and walked aimlessly to a further distance.

If this is still a dream, she likes this dream.

For too long, she had seen enough darkness.

Now in this dream, she can still see, hear, walk, and move.

What a dream.

she keeps walking...


She walked to the door of a small shop full of books, magazines and newspapers.

In the store, an uncle was sitting inside watching TV. What seemed to be entertainment news was broadcast on the TV, and the voice of the hostess regretted it.

"Hey, the new generation is not as good as the previous generation. It seems that Han Zixuan's job-hopping has dealt a heavy blow to Shengshi Entertainment. The former leader of the entertainment industry is rapidly declining, and I am afraid that it will soon withdraw from the stage of history..."

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