Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1776 Unreal feeling

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Countless information poured into her mind from newspapers and magazines, and Ning Xi felt her brain was in a mess.

Until...she accidentally saw a line of titles...

It's still news about Guo Qisheng's remake of "The World", but the headline of this one is: After nearly two years, Guo Qisheng is about to remake the TV series version of "The World"!

Ning Xi's eyes suddenly fell on those words "nearly two years later"...

It's been almost two years?

How can it be?

It's been less than a year since she finished filming The World!

Is it my editor's typo?

At this moment, she finally noticed that the dates in these newspapers...

201X? !

The editor may have made a typo, but it is impossible for these newspapers to be all wrong, right?

Ning Xi's voice trembled slightly, "Boss..."

"Miss, do you need anything else?" The boss has never left his eyes on the girl in front of him since just now, and when he heard her call him, he immediately asked courteously.

"Excuse me... now... what year is it?"

When the boss heard this, the astonished expression on his face suddenly turned into astonishment, thinking that such a beautiful girl, could she be a fool?

"Uh, Miss, are you okay? This year is 201X...Miss, I didn't seem to see you in the town before, you are from a foreign place..."

Ning Xi couldn't hear what the boss said later, and she froze there in disbelief.

This time she slept for more than a year?

No wonder... No wonder everything changed when I woke up...

There are countless new faces she is unfamiliar with in the entertainment news...

In a place like the entertainment industry, the tide ebbs and flows, and the replacement is very fast. Even if it takes ten days and a half a month, countless newcomers will appear, let alone a year as long...

While Ning Xi was talking to the boss, behind her were two female students who looked like high school students, looking in her direction with astonished faces.

One of them pulled her companion hard, "Oh my God! Look at that woman over there! Why...why does she look so much like Ning Xi?"

"Ning Xi? Who is it?" The companion was puzzled.

"It's Ning Xi! An artist I liked very much before!" the female student explained excitedly.

The companion recalled it for a long time, and finally seemed to be able to recall it reluctantly, "Oh, you seemed to be fascinated by a female celebrity in your second year of high school... You read it wrong! Didn't you say that she retired?"

"But... it really seems... um... no... this temperament... seems to be different... a bit unreal..."

"Don't think about it, you must be wrong!"

"All right……"



Ning Xi thanked the boss, and then walked towards the small garden building behind her that she just walked out of.

It seems that I can only go back and find someone to ask in detail.

At the same time, the door of the room on the second floor of the small garden building.

Lu Jingli was like a furry lion, he was about to go crazy, "It's gone! What do you mean it's gone? How could such a good person just disappear out of thin air?"

At this moment, the nurse was completely shocked, and replied tremblingly: "Second young master... I really don't know... Miss Anne's ointment needs to be applied every three hours. I just prepared to come here as usual. Changing the medicine for the wife...the turns out that the person disappeared..."

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