Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1777 Long time no see

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The person lying on the bed was a vegetative person, unable to walk or jump, how could this person disappear out of thin air, and she really didn't understand the situation at all.

A man in black at the side was also ashamed after hearing the news, "Second Young Master, I have contacted everyone just now, and there is nothing unusual on our side... And I checked, there is no trace of other people's intrusion here... ..."

Lu Jingli looked at the empty bed and the instruments that had been ripped off and turned off artificially. He no longer wanted to listen to what they had to say. He hugged his head in despair and kept repeating, "It's's over... "

Xiao Xixi is his brother's life now!

In case something goes wrong...

His brother, Xiaobao... even the entire Lu family can't stand such a blow...

The previous sanatorium of the Imperial Capital Military Region was heavily guarded, but it was precisely because it was too strict and had no popularity, so they considered changing Xiao Xixi to a more friendly environment, hoping to help her condition. There are not as many complicated guards as before.

It's been more than a year, and Ning Xi's name has hardly been heard in the entire entertainment industry. It is impossible for anyone to follow her news. As for other possibilities...

The town itself has very simple personnel, and they have secretly set up personnel tracking around the entire town. If there are abnormal or suspicious characters coming in and out, there will definitely be a reaction there.

So, who would take Xiao Xixi away?

Who can take away a big living person without anyone noticing?

Could it be the mysterious man from last time?

Numerous possibilities were densely entangled in his mind, Lu Jingli rumpled his hair——

"It's gone! It's gone! It's gone! How could it be gone! How could there be no trace at all? Could she still get up from the bed and run out?

If he was taken away by someone, he must not have left this town yet! try to find! Hurry up and find it for me! Let everyone go out and find it! No matter what method is used! Be sure to find me back completely before my brother knows the news! go! ! ! "

Lu Jingli roared in dismay, his voice echoed above the small building, and not far away, groups of birds flew into the air from the forest in shock.

at this time……

A lazy and hoarse voice came from behind——

"Hmm... what are you looking for? Me?"

In an instant...

The air froze like silence.

Lu Jingli's back seemed to be petrified, his whole body turned into a stone, and it took him an unknown amount of time before he turned around slowly.

Then, he saw the black-haired girl in a white dress, with the twilight of the morning in her eyes, smiling, standing quietly by the door and looking at him...

Outside the window, a breeze mixed with the fragrance of flowers blew by, and the girl's waist hair and skirt swayed gently...

Looking at the girl who suddenly appeared behind him, the eyes of the nurse and the man in black almost fell off.

But Lu Jingli stared blankly at the person in front of him, opened his mouth, and his whole body seemed to be half-invaded by the virus, his brain completely lost control, and he couldn't react at all.

Ning Xi looked at the man with a stiff body and a sluggish face in front of her, and smiled softly and said, "Second Young Master, long time no see."

Moisture filled Lu Jingli's wide-eyed eyes, and tears rolled down instantly, "Xiao Xixi..."

[My friend came back late from the birthday party, continue to code words~ If you don’t wait for an update in the future, remember to go to my Weibo to read the notification. I have reminded you many times, because the notification in the comment area will be swiped down, so it is easy to miss~]

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