Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1785 No strenuous exercise

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Deer Town, Garden House.

All the doctors are ready and ready after receiving the order.

When Ning Xi first saw the white coats and complicated instruments slowly filling the room, her scalp felt numb.

Lu Tingxiao immediately felt the girl's emotions, "Good boy, you need to have a comprehensive physical examination soon."

Ning Xi nodded obediently.

After a detailed inspection.

"How is it?" Lu Tingxiao's thin lips were drawn into a straight line, and Lu Jingli beside him was also full of nervousness.

The leading doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Lu Tingxiao with excitement and joy and replied, "Ms. Lu's physical indicators are all normal, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle that she can maintain this state. This is all due to Mrs. Lu's good health and proper care, and the most important thing is the ointment prepared by that little genius doctor, which is indeed miraculous!"

The tone of the slightly older expert was full of surprise.

At the beginning, when Lu Tingxiao insisted on trusting that young girl and administering drugs of unknown origin to the patients, he objected many times, and even felt that his authority had been challenged.

At this moment, I really have to sigh with emotion, there is no end to medicine, there are still too many mysterious fields and folk experts in this world that he doesn't know about.

"She feels stiff, exhausted, short of breath, and uncomfortable in her throat. Are these normal?" Lu Tingxiao asked each one with a serious expression, not daring to take it lightly.

Hearing the words, the doctor calmed down in a relaxed tone, "Mr. Lu, I checked, and there is nothing serious. After all, I have been lying down for so long, and these things are normal. I will arrange a complete rehabilitation plan for my wife later, I believe that in the future Madam's body will recover soon.

However, remember to take it step by step, and don't act too hastily, so as not to hurt the root. Her body needs to rest well! "

Lu Tingxiao wrote them down one by one, "Thank you."

"Brother Xi..." At this moment, a girl's trembling and unbelievable voice came from the door.


Hearing the girl's familiar voice, Ning Xi immediately jumped off the bed and headed for the door.

"Brother Xi, slow down! You can't do strenuous exercise right now!" Annie went over to support him in shock, and the next second, her eyes were already red, "Brother Xi, you're really awake...Second Young Master call me When I was on the phone, I thought I was dreaming!"

Ning Xi patted the girl's choking back lightly, "Don't cry, didn't I wake up well? Annie, it's been really hard for you this time, the doctor said that the ointment you prepared for me will work Already!"

Annie quickly shook her head and said, "Brother Xi, it's not hard work. In fact, I didn't do anything. When you were seriously ill and unconscious, I couldn't help you with anything. The only thing I could do was to slow down the deterioration of your bodily functions as much as possible. The collection of medicinal materials, as well as your care, are all taken care of by Mr. Lu."

"Annie, I'd like to trouble you to take Xiao Xi's pulse," Lu Tingxiao said beside him.

Only then did Annie remember the most important thing, and quickly supported Ning Xi to sit aside, "Brother Xi, come sit here, I'll help you look over!"

"Okay!" Ning Xi sat down at the table and held out her hand.

Annie caught Ning Xi's pulse with her fingers and began to concentrate on her pulse.

All stared at Annie with bated breath, awaiting her diagnosis.

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