Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1786 Always by your side

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After a long time.

Annie checked several times before she finally withdrew her hand and said the same diagnosis as the expert with a smile on her face: "Brother Xi's pulse condition is a little slow and weak, but everything else is normal, and the various functions of the body may still be a little uncomfortable. But these are just a matter of time, take a good rest, and you can completely return to the same as before!"

It wasn't until this moment that the last string of tension in Lu Tingxiao's mind finally completely relaxed.

his girl...

really came back to him...

In the next second, Lu Tingxiao stretched out his hands and hugged the girl into his arms.

Lu Jingli winked at the others, and immediately everyone quietly left the room.

For a moment, there were only two people embracing each other left in the room.

Ning Xi hugged the man's obviously thinner waist, full of distress, "My dear, are you still sleepy? Do you want to sleep a little longer?"

The man stared at her quietly, "Not sleepy."

From the moment he woke up, the man's gaze never left the girl in his arms, never missing a word, a trace of expression, or even the ups and downs of her body with every breath.

"Don't drink so much in the future."


"You have to eat well too. Erhuo said that you have had your stomach pierced several times." Ning Xi frowned.


"And cigarettes, too."



Ning Xi was full of exhortations to say, but in the end, she withdrew them all, and only changed into one sentence, whispering with a chuckle, "Forget it, anyway, I will always be by your side from now on."

"Okay." The man's arms around the girl suddenly tightened, and his head was deeply buried in the girl's neck.

Ning Xi felt the hot and moist tears from the man on her neck, and her heart felt like a big hand was tightly clenched, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

It was hard for her to imagine how he spent every day and every late night with an unreasonable wait for a whole year...

Lu Tingxiao was worried about Ning Xi's health, and after a while he carefully helped Ning Xi sit down on the bed, "Did Jing Li tell you what happened during this period?"

Ning Xi nodded, "I have a general understanding, but I didn't ask in detail, I just know that I seemed to be quite popular in the entertainment circle at that time?"

Lu Tingxiao: "No one can compete with you."

Ning Xi was startled when she heard the words, but Lu Tingxiao's short words instantly ignited a fire in her heart, "My dear, you are too good at talking!"

"Did 'Mother' win an award?" Ning Xi asked.

"Hmm. Golden Deer Award for Best Actress, Golden Luan Award for Best Actress, including the second year's Golden Palm Award for Best Actress, Lorraine Film Festival Best Chinese Film Award, Best Actress..." Lu Tingxiao counted all of Ning Xi's awards and honors.

Listening to all this, Ning Xi felt a strong sense of unreality, as if she was listening to someone else's story, and sighed softly, "Finally, I have lived up to Director Jiang's trust and expectations."

"'Nine Heavens' also won Best Movie and Best Drama, breaking 37 records, making you the most popular female artist in the country." Lu Tingxiao continued.

One brought her terrifying popularity, one made her win big awards, and two dramas directly pushed her to the highest position in the entertainment industry.

But now...

Lu Tingxiao didn't miss the sadness in the girl's eyes, "You can come back just like you retired."

Ning Xi stared blankly at the man in front of her who was always standing behind her.

The breeze blows gently through the mountains and the lake, and the girl's face blooms with a light and light smile, "It's okay, just retreat. I have never stopped since I was eighteen. Now, what I deserve I have had it all, and I have no regrets. Now, I have something more important than my dream."

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