Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1787 You and Xiaobao

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The girl's clear and bright eyes were full of his reflection, "And now, I have something more important than my dream."

The man's heart seemed to be hit hard by something, "Are you sure?"

The girl chuckled, "Retire after finishing the work and return to the field to take off the armor. Now I just want to spend time with you and Xiaobao."

If it were her in the past, she would be unwilling to retire from the peak no matter what. However, after turning around before the gate of hell, she clearly knows what is the most important in her life.

The man leaned over and kissed the girl's forehead, "No matter what decision you make, Xiaobao and I will support you."

With Ning Xi's current physical condition, rest is what she needs most, and her recovery will not be something that can be accomplished overnight.

What he was most worried about was that after Ning Xi woke up and knew everything, she would not be able to accept such a huge gap from being the center of attention to being forgotten by everyone.

But he didn't expect that his girl surprised him again.

"Ah, by the way, Xiaobao should be out of school soon, right? Shall we go to school to pick up Xiaobao?" Ning Xi looked at the time, and then said excitedly.

Lu Tingxiao nodded, "Okay, let's pick up Xiaobao."

"Wait, I have to change before I go. Is there anything I can change here?" When I went to see Lu Tingxiao before, I left in a hurry, so I didn't change my clothes, I just put on a coat casually.

"Yes, wait."


A while later, Ning Xi changed into a pale pink floral cotton dress, her long, lazy and slightly curled hair was casually scattered behind her head.

"Can I do this?"


"What about the hairstyle?"

"It's beautiful."

After getting in the car.

Ning Xi was still checking herself constantly, "Lu Tingxiao, tell me, will Xiaobao blame me? Blame me for keeping him waiting for so long..."

Ning Xi was very nervous along the way.

"Don't worry, it won't happen," Lu Tingxiao reassured.

"This year... is Xiaobao okay?" Ning Xi asked hesitantly.

"Very good, I just miss you."

After all, such a long time had passed, Ning Xi was full of uneasiness.

Will Xiaobao forget me...

Will you be unfamiliar with me...

Has Xiaobao grown taller...

Will Xiaobao have another aunt he likes more...


While thinking wildly all the way, the car finally drove to the gate of the school.

This is no longer the kindergarten where Xiaobao used to be, but an elementary school, and Xiaobao is already in the first grade.

At this moment, there were still ten minutes before school ended, and Lu Tingxiao's car parked quietly by the side of the road.

The time passed very slowly every minute and every second...


Finally, the school bell rang, echoing over the sky one after another——

There were lively voices at the entrance of the quiet campus, and the children rushed out of the classroom happily one after another...

Ning Xi walked through the crowd of students and parents, eager to see through...

After waiting for more than ten minutes, until the number of people at the school gate gradually decreased, Xiaobao was still not seen.

Ning Xi couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "Why hasn't Xiaobao come out yet?"

After waiting for a while, Ning Xi finally saw a familiar figure until there was almost no one in sight at the school gate.

The little guy was carrying a schoolbag, his face was as expressionless as ever, and he was holding a square box in his hand.

Almost as soon as she saw the little guy, Ning Xi burst into tears, "Little Treasure has grown taller..."

"Well, it's six centimeters taller."

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