Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1792 I have a choice?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The reporter who was the first to be drawn immediately said excitedly, "I should ask this question on behalf of all the media and fans here. Zixuan and Muye, are you really together?"

As soon as this question came out, it immediately caused quite a commotion in the hall.

After all, it is such a big gossip, almost everyone's eyes are full of gossip light.

And Jiang Muye's lazy expression suddenly froze into ice...

The first question was so explosive that Lei Ming broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't dare to relax and stare at Jiang Muye for a moment, for fear that he couldn't help but explode.

At the same time, Lei Ming hurriedly said haha, and replied, "Hehe, it's just a misunderstanding, everyone, stop thinking about it!"

How could the reporter be perfunctory so easily, and immediately asked, "It's so obvious in the photo, maybe it's not as simple as a misunderstanding!"

Lei Ming was about to continue talking, replying that he will give everyone a reasonable explanation when the time comes, but at this moment, Han Zixuan's manager, Zheng Anru, spoke first, "Sorry, I understand everyone's concern for Zixuan, but today is "" "The World" press conference, I hope everyone will still focus on issues related to TV dramas!"

When Lei Ming heard this, his face immediately turned dark.

Others couldn't hear it, so how could he not understand the mystery in these words.

It seems that a good person jumped out to make a rescue, but what is the difference between this and acquiescing?

Sure enough, although the reporters didn't continue to ask questions, their eyes became more ambiguous. It seemed that they almost all secretly confirmed the relationship between the two.

The reporter continued to ask questions.

"Zixuan, after all, this is a remake, will you be nervous and unable to surpass the original?" The second reporter asked a question.

This question is undoubtedly the most difficult question for artists participating in remakes.

Han Zixuan's expression didn't change at all, and she said calmly, "There is no transcendence, and there is no need to surpass anyone, I am who I am."

A short sentence, confident without appearing arrogant, immediately aroused the goodwill of all the reporters present.

Jiang Muye glanced at the woman beside him with narrowed eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up mockingly.

The third reporter looked at Jiang Muye and asked, "Muye, it's been nearly two years since I played the role of Sun Huanqing again. Do you have any special feelings? Are you satisfied with your new partner?"

Lei Ming secretly spread his palms and showed Jiang Muye the answer he had prepared.

In the end, Jiang Muye's answer was: "I have a choice?"

Lei Ming: "..."

Forget it... this answer is already very good for him...

"Hehe, Makino just likes to make jokes. We are naturally satisfied with the candidates selected by the professionals of the production team after three months, and we are also looking forward to the next cooperation." Lei Ming hurriedly rounded up the words.

No matter what happened, Han Zixuan always had a calm smile on her face, while Zheng Anru looked at Jiang Muye with a calm and gloomy expression.

Soon, everyone's questions were answered one after another.

Near the end, the high-level host said: "There is one last chance to ask questions, the one in the red dress!"

The girl in the red dress looked a little excited, took a deep breath and stood up, looked at Han Zixuan, and said with a serious face: "Everyone knows that "The World" is the famous film of actress Ning Xi, and it was she who won it. The work of the Golden Palm Award for Best Supporting Actress, her performance of Meng Changge is superb and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

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