Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1793 Exploding Golden Retriever

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"For many old fans, Meng Changge played by Ning Xi is their belief. Even if the ending of the movie is regrettable, regret is also a kind of beauty. I would like to ask Ms. Zixuan, how do you feel about the feelings of these fans of the original book? What do you think?"

This question is similar to the first question just now, but it is more sharp, and even directly mentioned the name that has almost been forgotten by everyone. Directly pointing out that Han Zixuan is not as good as Ning Xi, it will tarnish Meng Changge in the hearts of old fans.

Hearing that name and such a sharp question, Han Zixuan didn't have any special reaction, as if that person was just an insignificant name to her.

At this time, Zheng Anru who was on the side said, "Please allow me to answer this question instead of Zixuan."

Zheng Anru paused, then continued, "The reason why I'm the one answering is because Zixuan doesn't know or understand the artist named Ning Xi you mentioned.

In order not to be affected by the original work, Zi Xuan never watched the original film. Just like what Zixuan answered just now, Zixuan doesn't need to surpass anyone, she only wants to be the best of herself. "

Huh, don't know?

Don't understand...?

The mocking arc of Jiang Muye's mouth became wider.

One took over all of Ning Xi's resources, imitated all of Ning Xi's routes, stole most of Ning Xi's fans, maliciously broke the contract and left the company in order to get rid of Ning Xi's brilliance, and even the response to the reporter was a parody of Ning Xi's arrogant style... …

This is called not understanding?

When Han Zixuan's manager said this, his face was a little displeased, and he continued to speak to everyone, "Since Zixuan's debut, she has experienced countless malicious slanders, and because of her outstanding appearance, she has also been used to compete with many other people who are empty-handed. Vase actress contrast.

However, time and strength can prove everything. Zixuan is not comparable to some inferior people who rely on their appearance and body. This is an insult to Zixuan! "

Almost as soon as Han Zixuan's voice fell, Jiang Muye's eyes that had been half-opened lazily opened suddenly, and the coldness spread overwhelmingly...

And Lei Ming who was at the side was scared out of his wits by Zheng Anru's words!

Having been by Jiang Muye's side for so long, he clearly knows what Jiang Muye's bottom line is and what he must never touch!

Relying on face and body... Zheng Anru said this because when Ning Xi first disappeared, many people suspected and maliciously spread rumors that Ning Xi was adopted...

Zheng Anru is clearly metaphorizing these things.

Lei Ming was so anxious that cold sweat dripped down his forehead, he stared at Jiang Muye, afraid that he would do something impulsively.

However, this Zheng Anru was obviously the artist under his family who stepped on Ning Xi's head all the way, and also took advantage of Jiang Muye's popularity, but now he is still going on relying on the fact that Ning Xi has already retired and no one pays attention, speaks righteously, and has nothing to fear Confused right and wrong.

"Here, I solemnly make a statement to all the media, and I hope that you will stop raising these insulting questions in the future! And don't mention Zixuan's name with some people with low moral character!" Zheng Anru said loudly Out of the last sentence summary.

Lei Ming shook his hands, almost peeing in fright, but seeing Jiang Muye obediently sitting on a chair playing with his phone, seemingly not paying attention to Zheng Anru's words, he was slightly relieved.

However, the moment he let go of his breath, Jiang Muye put the phone back in his pocket, stood up suddenly under the eyes of everyone, and walked directly towards the door with strides.

When the crew, including Lei Ming and others, and the reporters were at a loss...

Suddenly, the mobile phones of many people at the scene vibrated and rang...

For the Weibo of some important artists in the entertainment circle, they have set up special reminders.

Then, everyone saw that just a few seconds ago, Jiang Muye updated the latest Weibo.

Jiang Muye retweeted a scandal between himself and Han Zixuan, which was accompanied by their kissing photo, and affectionately fabricated the love history between Jiang Muye and Han Zixuan, and the lines were full of Jiang Muye's obsession with Han Zixuan——

And Jiang Muye reposted that Weibo, writing four words - [Fuck you! ]

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