Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1818 Always Be Well

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Zhuang Rongguang immediately curled his lips in displeasure, "I don't want it, I haven't admitted that he is my brother-in-law yet! Sister, what do you think of my elder brother Lin Qian? He is already a colonel at a young age! He was responsible for picking you up before." Military sanatorium, responsible for your safety, even if you don't believe my eyes, you should believe my father's eyes, he is my father's confidant, the legendary child of other people's family, my father has always used it to be my father Compare……"

Seeing Zhuang Rongguang in front of him, Lu Tingxiao started poaching the wall. He didn't say anything. He just took out a gun and fired at the bull's-eye in front of him, hitting the bull's-eye.

The moment Zhuang Rongguang saw the gun in Lu Tingxiao's hand, he immediately jumped over to see the girl of his dreams, "Oh! A.H.Fox! Brother-in-law! Cousin-in-law! Let me touch you! We are all family Surely you wouldn’t be so stingy, would you…”

Ning Xi: "..."

Xiao Bao with a look of contempt: "..."

Ning Xi smiled for a while, then turned to Zhuang Ke'er who was beside her who had been silent, took her hand, and sat down at the wooden table under the flower stand not far away.

The girl didn't say anything, and directly gave Zhuang Ke'er a big hug.

She knew that for Zhuang Ke'er at this moment, this was the best way to reunite.

Under the roses swaying in the breeze, the two girls hug each other quietly, like an oil painting.

Zhuang Ke'er's body trembled slightly, and it wasn't until the girl's body temperature passed through the hug that she felt real, her voice choked up, "I knew...I would definitely wake up..."

"Of course, I can't bear to let sister Ke'er worry about me!"

It took Zhuang Keer a while to stabilize her excitement, let go of Ning Xi, and said softly, "No wonder we hit it off so well, I didn't expect you to be my cousin."

Ning Xi also laughed, "Fate is indeed amazing!"

"Xiao Xi, you... have you known about it for a long time? Know about the relationship between our two families?" Zhuang Ke'er asked.

"I heard something from Zhuang Lingyu..."

"Then never say..." Zhuang Keer frowned.

Ning Xi laughed, "Because it doesn't matter if you say it or not, we are good sisters anyway!"

Zhuang Keer's heart warmed, and she nodded immediately, "Well, you're right!"

I don't know what came to mind, Zhuang Ke'er's expression darkened again, "Xiao Xi, I'm sorry..."

"Say what you're sorry about!" Ning Xi hurriedly said.

Zhuang Ke'er lowered her head, "I didn't take care of your fan support group...since you fell into a coma...everyone just walked away...scattered..."

Ning Xi hurriedly comforted, "It's inevitable, after all, I've been retired for so long."

Zhuang Ke'er sighed with a lonely expression, "In the beginning, everyone was holding on, waiting for you to come back. No matter what happened, there was always a group of people who never wavered...

Until Han Zixuan appeared, they secretly sent someone to break into our interior, and even bribed our top fan management to spread rumors while I was away, to shake people's hearts, and made our interior chaotic, and the outside gradually supported us. I can't stand it...

In addition, Han Zixuan's style was too similar to yours at that time, and she was praised by Yi Xudong...he took away a large number of our fans..."

Ning Xi listened to Zhuang Keer's words, although it was only a few words, she could feel the turmoil at that time, as well as the scenes of Zhuang Keer's helplessness but still persisting, the scenes of them fighting for themselves, although What she did not personally experience, but caused a strong shock in her heart...

After Zhuang Keer finished speaking, she took a deep breath, looked at Ning Xi, and immediately smiled like a flower, "However, everything is over and you have woken up. People who really like you and care about you, as long as you are happy, happy and healthy. Even in places where they can't see, it's been fine..."

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