Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1819 Tossing and Turning Insomnia

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

late at night.

Ning Xi woke up after tossing and turning.

During the day, Zhuang Keer's words still lingered in her mind word by word.

Kissing the little baby on the cheek, Ning Xi passed Lu Tingxiao lightly, got off the bed and walked towards the study.

After sitting at the desk for a long time, Ning Xi finally turned on the computer.

After deciding to retire, except for what she heard from Lu Jingli at that time, she never paid attention to any news on the Internet.

After opening the search engine, she stared at the display screen for a while, and after a while, she lightly entered the four words "Ning Xi is retiring".

As soon as I pressed the Enter key, countless related news were displayed, basically old news from a year ago.

Some fans held up banners to support her, expressing that they would definitely wait for her to come back, some fans paraded and demonstrated at the gate of Shengshi Entertainment, and her absence from various awards caused an uproar...

The headlines one by one are all about her...

As time passed, her name appeared less and less, and was gradually replaced by Han Zixuan and countless newcomers, until she disappeared in the entertainment industry...

"Ding" A popular entertainment news popped up in the lower right corner, which seemed to mention Jiang Muye's name.

Ning Xi glanced at it and opened it casually.

Then I saw a harsh and magnified headline: "Fans jointly signed a protest: Jiang Muye get out of the entertainment circle!"

what happened?

Ning Xi's face immediately changed, and she carefully read the news.

It was a coincidence that the incident was related to that Han Zixuan.

The reason was that Jiang Muye publicly posted Weibo to insult her, and even insulted the other party's mother...

fuck you...

Ning Xi frowned as she looked at the Weibo post. Even if she was as impulsive as Jiang Muye, she probably wouldn't use such aggressive words to a woman.

Ning Xi began to trace the details of the incident.

It turned out that she also knew the beginning of the incident. It was the scandal about Jiang Muye and Han Zixuan that she saw in the newspaper at the small stall in Lu Town when she just woke up.

At first, Jiang Muye didn't seem to care about it, after all, there were too many female stars who were trying to catch his attention.

That photo, Ning Xi guessed, was probably a still or something, and when it can be released afterwards, it will be fine if it is clarified.

But things suddenly got out of control at the press conference of "The World".

Jiang Muye left the venue suddenly, and posted that Weibo post without warning...

Ning Xi took a closer look at what happened at the press conference.

Later, she found a video.

In the video, Han Zixuan's manager is answering a reporter's question with righteous words...

Zheng Anru: Since Zixuan's debut, she has experienced countless malicious slanders. Because of her outstanding appearance, she has also been compared with many other female stars with empty appearances...

Zixuan is not comparable to some inferior people who rely on their appearance and body. This is an insult to Zixuan!

Here, I solemnly make a statement to all the media, and hope that you will stop raising these insulting questions in the future! Don't bring Zixuan's name together with some unbearable people with low moral character!


When Zheng Anru said these words, Jiang Muye's face was hidden in the shadows and he couldn't see clearly, he was playing with his mobile phone carelessly.

And the moment Zheng Anru finished speaking, Jiang Muye stood up slowly, and left without saying a word.

Then, the whole scene set off a burst of chaos.

Jiang Muye was the only one who posted that cursing Weibo at that time.

Ning Xi watched that video, saw Jiang Muye's unruly and cold sarcasm in the video, and the back of the arrogantly leaving without turning his head, sighed softly and showed a helpless smile...

This guy……

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