Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

And this is YLD, an endorsement of the same weight as SS. If she gets this endorsement, all her resources and the quality of her endorsement will be able to be upgraded to a higher level in the future.

I thought that after arriving at Xinghui, the tide must be rising, but I didn't know that she lost such an important contract as soon as she left Xu Tao...

She still underestimated that guy Xu Tao!

damn it! He is sincere! Sincerely want to destroy her!

It was Yin Youyou who asked his assistant to slap him in public, and who insulted him, not her. She was just a person going to a higher place, just to protect herself. Why should he target her? Why should she take away what she had so hard to get?

Without this contract, how would she gain a foothold in the fiercely competitive Xinghui, who has no identity and no background, and she switched jobs midway...


In front of the YLD company building.

Xu Tao carefully opened the car door and helped Ning Xi into the car.

Just as he was about to turn around and go to the driver's seat, an angry voice suddenly came from behind him.

Liu Xiaorou hurriedly chased up alone on high heels, and when she saw Xu Tao, she began to yell angrily, "Xu Tao! You are too much!"

Xu Tao paused, raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? Too much? Star Liu, I don't know where I went too far?"

Liu Xiaorou's eyes were full of resentment, "You know how important this endorsement is to me!"

Xu Tao sneered, "Oh, of course I know."

If he didn't know, could he fight for her with all his life?

Liu Xiaorou was so angry that she mocked sharply, "Xu Tao, don't always act like you have paid so much for me. I am here today because of my own hard work. If I were in Xinghui instead of Shengshi, I would have already It's the first line that surpasses the first line, and it's because I follow you, a piece of trash, that I have been standing still, and you don't deserve to be my manager at all!"

Xu Tao didn't say a word, he was already numb to Liu Xiaorou's words.

However, at this moment, the door of the black car, which had been quiet all along, was suddenly pushed open by a white and clean hand.

A woman slowly got out of the car from the back seat, looked at the girl in front of the car who was filled with righteous indignation, and said, "You know very well that with your qualifications, if you were in Xinghui, you would never have a bright future in this life, if it wasn't for Brother Tao , you are just an eternal secondary in the prosperous age. You are not worthy, you are right, you do not deserve a manager like Xu Tao."

Liu Xiaorou opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the woman who suddenly got out of the car. Her whole body seemed to have seen something horrifying, and even her body began to tremble slightly, "Ning...Senior Ning Xi..." is this possible...

Xu Tao's new artist... was actually Ning Xi...

"Forget it, Ning Xi, there's nothing to say." Xu Tao was a little surprised to see Ning Xi defending himself and defending himself.

"In the future, you will have many opportunities to know what you betrayed and lost today." After Ning Xi said this, she returned to the car.

Liu Xiaorou looked at the black car that was drifting away, and stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time...

The sentence that you don't deserve a manager like Xu Tao hit her hard...

Ning Xi is back...

Ning Xi chose Xu Tao as her manager?

This fact alone was enough to make her panic...

This kind of feeling is like the garbage she discarded like a shoe that she dismissed, and one day someone will suddenly pick it up, saying that it is a priceless treasure, but she is just blind...

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