Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1831 Smash the scene

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

in the car.

"Cough, Ning Xi, just now...thank you. Actually, there's no need. I'm already used to it. Arguing with that kind of person will only lower your status." Xu Tao said gratefully.

Ning Xi tilted her head and said indifferently, "It's nothing, I just don't like people who bully me."

When Xu Tao heard it, his eyes were filled with tears, and it felt so cool to have Nima hugged by his thighs!

"Who else is under your command now?" Ning Xi asked, nodding her forehead.

Xu Tao sighed, "Hey, I don't have any good artists left, just a second-tier girl, Qin Shuang, a hard-working girl, but a bit unlucky. She has been in the industry for eight years, and her contemporaries have become popular one after another. But she just can’t get popular, she’s always one step away.”

Ning Xi nodded, "I'll take her with me later."

Xu Tao was overjoyed immediately, "That's great!"

Ning Xi flipped through the gossip about Jiang Muye and Han Zixuan that was constantly being updated on her phone, and asked with a slight frown, "How is Jiang Muye going?"

Xu Tao shook his head helplessly, "Lei Ming said that he still doesn't cooperate at all, and the situation is getting worse and worse. If this kind of matter is delayed and not clarified in time, it will give fans an inherent impression, and it will be difficult to wash it off in the future... ..."

"Is that photo of him and Han Zixuan a still photo?" Ning Xi asked, but her tone was affirmative.

Xu Tao nodded, "It's a still from Shen Mian's new movie, Jiang Muye was just a cameo, and the kissing scene in it was actually just a borrowing.

Because the subject matter of this movie is relatively sensitive, it is difficult to release it in China, and the whole filming process is kept secret. Shen Mian is going to secretly take it to participate in foreign exhibitions, so it must not be leaked in advance, otherwise, once the news is revealed, it will definitely be blocked. All the hard work It was all in vain.

Jiang Muye is also very loyal. After being scolded by so many people as a scumbag, he still insisted on not saying anything. Lei Ming and Liang Zi originally discussed asking him to come out to apologize and put the matter down first, but he was not willing... Now we can only stand in a stalemate..."

Ning Xi sighed lightly and shook her head. With Jiang Muye's temperament, how could he come out to apologize.

Xu Tao opened his mouth tentatively after hearing the words, "Ning Xi, your comeback this time has something to do with Jiang Muye, right? This matter... are you planning to..."

In fact, everyone in the know knew that the most direct reason for Jiang Muye's vehement public dislike of Han Zixuan was Zheng Anru's words at the press conference.

Who among the seniors in Shengshi Entertainment doesn't know how Han Zixuan came to power? As a result, those people actually said such shameless words in public!

Ning Xi thought for a while, then asked, "When is the latest promotion of "The World"?"

Although Xu Tao has been getting drunk lately, he still knows the information like the palm of his hand, and immediately replied, "Just two days later, because Jiang Muye screwed up the last press conference, so this time they made it even bigger. He actually invited all the original cast members from the movie "The World" to create momentum, actor Zhao Sizhou, veteran actor Feng Yibo... It is even said that even Ning Xueluo will attend..."

Ning Xi nodded, "Then let's get ready, let's join in the fun."

Xu Tao's eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't wait for it, "You mean to snatch this role over? Then, should we also find Jiang Muye? It is said that they just gave Jiang Muye an ultimatum to apologize publicly, otherwise the man The master will be replaced! This time, let's just snatch the hero and the heroine back together?"

Ning Xi frowned slightly when she heard this, and said quietly, "Who said I was going to grab the role?"

"Ah? No..." Xu Tao was a little confused, "Then what are we going to do?"

Ning Xi smiled slightly, "Naturally... it's a mess."

Xu Tao: "..."

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