Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1844 No Ningxi, No World

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

And the girl singing quietly on the stage has already burst into tears at this moment...

The music stopped, the lights came on, the girl stood up, and bowed deeply to everyone in the audience.

Scenes of memories belonging to them and Ning Xi, pairs of red eyes, faces full of tears...

Among the crowd, I don't know who was the first to speak out, breaking the silence——

"Xi Fan is everywhere, Brother Xi is irreplaceable—"

This familiar and tearful loyal fan slogan was like a ground-breaking shock, and instantly ignited the fire buried in everyone's heart.

Immediately, like the tide, everyone shouted along...

"Xi Fan is everywhere, Brother Xi is irreplaceable—"

"Xi Fan is everywhere, Brother Xi is irreplaceable—"

"Xi Fan is everywhere, Brother Xi is irreplaceable—"


On the VIP seat, Zhuang Ke'er, whose eyes were red from crying, suddenly stood up and shouted: "I will never forget my original intention, and I will shine brightly with you—"

Immediately, there was a hundred responses, and everyone began to shout: Never forget your original intention, and shine brightly with you——

Zhuang Rongguang next to Zhuang Keer wiped away the boy's tears, and began to howl at the top of his voice: "No Ningxi, no world—"

"No Ningxi, no world—"

"No Ningxi, no world—"

"No Ningxi, no world—"


Until Ning Xi bowed and left the venue, the uniform voice still echoed above the huge exhibition hall for a long time, and the excited fans watched the girl leave one after another.

That is their idol, their idol, their belief, their youth...

So what if she left?

We are still here! We are always there!

Under the stage, a girl with a round face lay on the shoulder of her best friend, crying out of breath.

The best friend patted her shoulder lightly to comfort her, "Okay, okay, brother Xi is back!"

"I'm not crying about this!"

"Then why are you crying?"

"Crying. How could I be so stupid? How could I betray Brother Xi and fall in love with Han Zixuan, that pirated counterfeit? I don't deserve to be Brother Xi's fan at all!"

"Uh, don't be sad, anyway, so many people will accompany you to be an idiot!"

The round-faced girl smiled through tears, and said gleamingly, "I didn't know until some people appeared again, what is irreplaceable..."

This moment.

Han Zixuan's face was pale, and Zheng Anru's guts were green with remorse, regretting that Ning Xi should not be allowed to sing, and the two hosts were completely unable to intervene, and the scene could not be turned back no matter what.

The investors in the VIP seats were completely stupefied. In the backstage, Wang Haojun looked at the fans who were still crying and chanting slogans, and those fans of Han Zixuan who were chanting Ning Xi's name crazily, so angry that he was almost on the spot. Fainted.

He spent so much money, invited so many guests and media, and created a venue...

In the end, it became Ning Xi's personal comeback show...

The new version of "The World" was crushed into the dust, fans returned to Ning Xi's embrace because of one song...

He finally knew that Glory World Entertainment was here to spoil the show today! And smashed it thoroughly! The table was smashed!

The public relations director hid aside, secretly watching the excited fans outside, his face full of amazement.

Hey, at first he really thought that Han Zixuan was invincible, but when the real master appeared, no matter how popular Han Zixuan was, no matter how glamorous her appearance was, he felt that she was nothing.

How can fireflies compete with the sun and the moon...

[PS: The song is "Glory" by BOBO]

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