Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1845 Who Said I Didn't Come To Throw Away?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

In the video game city.

At this moment, countless passers-by looked up at the live broadcast on the big screen. Like the audience in the live broadcast, their eyes were red, and they couldn't help shouting slogans one after another.

In addition, there are restaurants, streets, companies, homes...

Countless people saw this live broadcast, countless fans saw Ning Xi, heard her singing, and heard her calling out in unison...

After Ning Xi left the venue, the live broadcast continued.

"Ning Xi, may I ask if you are coming back this time to make a comeback?"

"Queen Ning, after a year, why did you choose to appear on an occasion like today? Is it just because you were invited by the organizer?"

"You should know about Jiang Muye, right? What we have been waiting for today is Jiang Muye's apology. It is said that the person who was originally arranged to attend was also Jiang Muye. Why did it become you later? It was because Jiang Muye refused. Sorry, is that why Sheng Shi asked you to come forward?"

"You are in the limelight today, won't you be a bit of a sensationalist? Hehe, it sounds nice, why are you invited to join us, you are not here to spoil the scene, are you?"

"Empress Ning, could you please answer me?"


As soon as Ning Xi came out, she was immediately surrounded by the swarming media.

Facing the barrage of questions, Ning Xi suddenly stopped and glanced at the reporter who questioned that she was here to mess things up.

The reporter was a little scared by her, and he took a step back unconsciously.

Afterwards, the other party saw that Ning Xi frowned slightly, and then said quietly, "Who said... I didn't come here to mess things up?"

All reporters: "..."

Jiang Muye, who was lying on the wooden horse and watching the live broadcast attentively, "Puff—cough cough cough..."

The reporter who deliberately wanted to embarrass Ning Xi, seeing Ning Xi's calm appearance, became speechless, and said with a flushed face, "You are going too far, are you bullying others just because you are a senior?" ? Don’t you know how bad Jiang Muye’s behavior is? How dare you cover up this kind of person? What kind of goddess, but she’s the same as that scumbag!"

"Have you recorded it?" Ning Xi didn't reply, but spoke to Xu Tao who was at the side.

Xu Tao nodded and shook his phone, "It's done! Actually, there is no need to record it, someone is broadcasting it live! Everyone can see it!"

The reporter immediately became anxious when he heard that, "I'm only telling the truth, can't you even tell the truth these days?"

Xu Tao chuckled, "Whether it's the truth or a rumor, a lawyer will tell you later."

Ning Xi glanced at the reporters who kept asking questions, and said calmly, "I already know about Senior Jiang's affairs, and I also know that the original arrangement of today's organizer was for Senior Jiang to apologize publicly, that's right, I also think it's true. There should be a public apology."

Hearing Ning Xi's words, the reporter thought she had given up, and immediately looked proud, "Queen Ning, it's too late to change her words now..."

In the next second, Ning Xi's gaze flickered, and the topic changed suddenly, "However, it's the organizer, and I apologize to Senior Jiang."

The moment Ning Xi finished speaking, there was an uproar in the audience.

What? Apologize to Jiang Muye? Is Ning Xi crazy?

A large part of the reporters also muttered to themselves, Ning Xi's tone was so sure, could it be that there was something hidden about this matter?

After Ning Xi finished speaking, she ignored the reporters' frenzied questioning and got into the car without saying a word, escorted by Xu Tao and bodyguards.

In the video game city.

Jiang Muye stared blankly at the live broadcast above his head, seeing the girl domineeringly supporting him, seeing the girl raising her eyebrows and saying, "Who said I'm not here to mess things up", his heart was full of swells, and said I can't feel it...

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