Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1846 Strong support

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

in the car.

Xu Tao's mood was so good that it exploded, "Ning Xi, the effect of the song you improvised on the spot just now is really great! With the video materials I brought with me, the tear-jerking effect is MAX! Fuck even made me cry What an idiot! This saves me a lot of trouble, I was thinking about how the fans would explain it..."

As Xu Tao said, remembering the incident of Ning Xi attacking the reporter in public just now, he looked a little worried, and said in a tactful tone, "Well, but, Ning Xi, is there something wrong with what you just said to the reporter? Jiang Muye This matter is very tricky! I understand your desire to help Jiang Muye, but it's easy to get yourself involved when you talk so full of words in front of everyone!"

"They will apologize." Ning Xi said with certainty.

After saying this, Ning Xi picked up her cell phone and made a call.

Seeing this, Xu Tao looked over curiously, wondering who she was going to call.

Regarding Jiang Muye's matter, it would be useless to ask someone to come forward, right?

That photo is the proof!

Unless Shen Mian personally clarifies...

But how is it possible!

Shen Mian almost regarded that film as his lifeblood, and because he knew about it, Jiang Muye didn't say a word until now.

Even if Ning Xi had some friendship with Shen Mian, she might not be able to convince him...

"Hey, Director Shen, long time no see?"

When Xu Tao heard Ning Xi's voice, he thought to himself, he really was looking for Shen Mian!

"You...Ning Ningning...Ning Xi?" On the other end of the phone, Shen Mian's voice was as if he had seen a ghost, and he couldn't speak clearly, "Damn it! I just watched the live broadcast! I thought I was hallucinating What! You really came back? Nima, a whole year and three months! I thought you went back to your alien planet!"

"Oh, it's rare that Director Shen still remembers me." Ning Xi said quietly.

Shen Mian heard something wrong with Ning Xi's tone, and coughed lightly, "What, you called me because..."

"Jiang Muye." Ning Xi said Jiang Muye's name straight to the point, "Director Shen, you're not doing this well enough, right?"

Shen Mian's tone was a little awkward, "Hey, I know, I know that Jiang Muye was really wronged by this matter! But I'm a victim too!

I have been trembling and hiding it all the time, how could I know that the still photos would suddenly be exposed!

I don't know if they have told you that the situation of my film is indeed sensitive, and it will definitely not be released in China. I am rushing to participate in international film festivals!

You said... I was sneaking through the process to submit for review. If it was revealed to me, the higher-ups would immediately order me to block it and not let me go to foreign exhibitions. Who would I cry to? At that time, this film will be shot for nothing! "

"So you just watched Jiang Muye bear all the consequences by himself?"

Shen Mian struggled, "Ning Xi, I know you're fighting for Jiang Muye, I've worked with that kid in so many dramas, and we're old acquaintances, this time I really appreciate his generosity, wait for my process to go Finished, after confirming the qualifications to participate in the exhibition, shall I immediately issue a statement?"

"By then the day lily will be cold!"

"But...but this is the only way now! Otherwise, tell me, what do you want me to do?" Shen Mian said helplessly.

"Clarify everything right now."

"My aunt, grandma, aren't you trying to make things difficult for others? If you clarify now, then my film will be completely ruined!"

"If you destroy it, I will pay you one."

"Okay! I'll post it right away!!!!" Shen Mian changed her words so quickly.

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