Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1847 Amazing, my Lady Queen!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Xu Tao who was next to him vaguely heard the conversation between the two, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Nima's deep too immoral! This changed to...

Ning Xi didn't expect Shen Mian to change her words so quickly. Looking at the phone, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Ning Xi, that's what you said. You said you would pay me for one movie. The heroine of my next play has already booked you. If the heroine can't do it, the male lead can also book you! You can't go back on your word!" Shen Just now Mian was trying to force Haha to sell miserably, but now she has a tone of wishing that the drama will be ruined.

Ning Xi laughed, "Understood, when did I go back on what I promised you?"

"Hahaha...Okay! Then I'll post it right away! Just wait!" Shen Mian happily responded.

Xu Tao on the side watched in amazement from beginning to end, unprepared, " this solved...?"

Awesome, my lord queen!

"Tsk, but it's really cheap for Shen Mian! The first film after your comeback, I just booked it for him! Let me tell you, after Shen Mian finished filming your "Dream Seeker", later filmed Although the two movies in the movie are not bad, they can't compare with "Dream Seeker".

Probably because I was always told that I couldn't surpass "Dream Seeker", I was a little impatient, and I took the risk to ask Han Zixuan to make a banned/film that I knew I couldn't pass in China, and wanted to win an international award..." Xu Tao couldn't help but vomit Bad way.


At the same time, the International Convention and Exhibition Center has been empty.

Wang Haojun, Zheng Anru, Han Zixuan, and a group of investors stared in the background, and the atmosphere was gloomy.

At this moment, besides Han Zixuan, the most embarrassing person at the scene was the well-dressed Deputy General Manager of Star Entertainment, Ning Xueluo...

Tonight was an opportunity she had waited for a long time on purpose, and she deliberately wanted to make an appearance at the finale, taking the opportunity to clean up the past, and even the idea of ​​inviting the original people to attend as guests was also brought up by her taking the opportunity.

But she didn't expect... Ning Xi, who had disappeared for so long, appeared without warning like a ticking time bomb and exploded in her world.

Originally, her original affairs had been forgotten with Ning Xi's retirement. With the success of her career, she even gradually began to walk the route of an inspirational goddess. Some sympathy and understanding.

However, as soon as Ning Xi appeared in front of everyone, all the things she was most ashamed of, hated, and least wanted to be known by others surfaced again.

As long as Ning Xi is around, everyone will firmly remember that Ning Xi is the real rich lady, and she is just a fake who wants to occupy the magpie's nest.

Even if she has everything now, she can't get rid of this damn shadow...

"When Shengshi agreed, why didn't you check it out?" No matter how deep Ning Xue fell into the city, she was already upset and angry at this moment, her blood was surging.

"Ask you! Why didn't you find out!" Wang Haojun angrily scolded.

The public relations director who was responsible for the blame had a bitter expression on his face, "I asked clearly, and the other party said with certainty that he would give us an explanation. How did I know that Shengshi would come to this... I would never have thought that Ning Xi would Come out..."

In their eyes, Shengshi is just a lingering dregs, let alone this high-level executive, in fact, everyone did not pay attention to Shengshi, so they made such a big mess by taking it lightly.

The PR director continued, "Also, from Ning Xi's answer to those reporters, it's clear that they... clearly planned it... to make things worse..."

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