Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1848 Want to change?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Nonsense! Do you need to say this?" Wang Haojun was furious.

His place was smashed, and he even made a wedding dress for someone else!

At this time, one of the few investors who had been muttering next to him stood up as a representative and said, "Well, actually... Judging from today's incident... the cast of our drama... In fact, it can be adjusted and adjusted…”

Zheng Anru's face immediately changed upon hearing this, "Mr. Qian, what do you mean?"

With a beer belly, Mr. Qian said with a smile, "Today, you have seen Ning Xi's popularity and topicality. We have invested so much money in this drama, so naturally we hope to get the biggest return, don't you think so? "

How could Zheng Anru not know what the other party meant, and immediately said with an ugly face, "Zi Xuan's contract has already been signed, do you still want to change? Change to an old actress who has retired for so long?

Mr. Qian, Mr. Li, Mr. Cui, you don't know much about the entertainment industry, that's why you were deceived by tonight's appearance. Ning Xi just showed up after a long absence, and the fans will inevitably get emotional. It's like a flash in the pan !

Really let her take the lead, do you think she can do it? She has no resources, no connections, and is still in that ghostly place in the prosperous age, so why should she compare with Zixuan? She doesn't even have the qualifications to carry Zixuan's shoes! "

After Zheng Anru's crackling words, Mr. Qian and several other investors looked at each other and hesitated again.

Wang Haojun hurriedly took the opportunity to say, "You guys, please be safe and don't be impatient! Manager Zheng Da is the most outstanding gold broker in the circle, and her words are absolutely correct! Our Xinghui invested the most this time, how can we not I won't cheat myself!"

At this time, a well-dressed middle-aged man next to him said in a deep voice with displeasure, "Don't think we don't understand anything, people are stupid and money is easy to fool, even if Ning Xi has completely lost popularity now, her appearance today It has completely ruined everything we have been building for so long!

The movie "The World" will never be surpassed in the hearts of the audience! It's useless even if we spend more money! In this way, even the original version can't be surpassed, and you still want to surpass "Nine Heavens"? dreaming?

Why? With your so-called popular queen Han Zixuan? Han Zixuan who can't even control her own fans? "

Tonight, Han Zixuan's fans turned their backs one after another, no doubt they slapped Han Zixuan heavily on the spot.

At this moment, being pointed at by the investor, Han Zixuan trembled with anger. After she became popular, she was chased and praised wherever she went. How had she ever suffered from such a useless attitude?

Just when Han Zixuan was almost unable to control her emotions, Ning Xueluo said, "Mr. Li's words are wrong, you know, not all the fans who came tonight are Zixuan's fans, at least half of them are A diehard fan of Jiang Muye.

Is it true that there is so much noise tonight, or someone deliberately arranged and instigated it for people to see, so as to achieve an ulterior purpose, or snatch the role... Mr. Li knows the entertainment industry very well, I think you You know the twists and turns here, right? "

That President Li frowned slightly when he heard Ning Xueluo's words, and he listened to it. He really couldn't guarantee the authenticity, but tonight's situation, according to his intuition, he didn't think it could be faked, after all, Even he, a bystander, was moved, and was convinced by Ning Xi...

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