Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1886 It is inevitable

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"I see." Zheng Anru said holding his breath.

Ning Xueluo warned with a serious expression, "The voting for "Light of Entertainment" will start in a few days, this year's No. 1 actress, Zi Xuan must win!"

"Entertainment Light" is the most authoritative consulting magazine in the entertainment industry. Every year, a grand online voting is held. According to the voting, the major rankings are selected. The most concerned one is the popularity list of male and female stars. Lace lists, such as "the list of the stars most want to marry in the entertainment industry", "the list of the most promising newcomers in the entertainment industry" and even "the list of the most sleepy stars". Has a great influence in the entertainment industry.

In the last selection, Ning Xi beat the second place with twice the number of votes, and it was when Ning Xi disappeared from the public for three months.

Zheng Anru nodded and said, "Vice President Ning, don't worry, we are bound to win!"

This year's first place, with Zixuan's popularity, there is no suspense.

"If you need anything, just mention it to me and Mr. Wang. The company will fully cooperate with you." Ning Xueluo said.

Even if Ning Xi came back, the voting would start next month. With her current popularity, she would definitely not be able to compare with Han Zixuan, but she didn't want to make any mistakes.

The meeting went on for more than two hours...

After confirming the solution, Wang Haojun said, "Then let's do this! The meeting is over! I have to go to appease the investors!"

As soon as the results of Ning Xi's press conference came out, investors from "The World" started to make trouble again.

At this moment, Wang Haojun was actually full of remorse.

You know, Ning Xi was originally an artist of their Star Entertainment!

If he had known that this girl's potential and explosive power would be so strong in the future, he would have saved her even if he killed her, but now he has created such a difficult opponent for himself...

Since she can't win over, then she can only be completely unable to stand up!

Han Zixuan had to make sure that even if the investment in "The World" couldn't get the expected return, she must let Zixuan suppress Ning Xi, and suppressing Ning Xi was equivalent to suppressing Shengshi Entertainment.

He won't give Shengshi Entertainment any chance to stand up!


After the press conference, Ning Xi went back to the company and had a small meeting with Xu Tao and the others.

The company is filled with flowers and gifts from friends and fans.

After the meeting, Ning Xi carefully went over the presents one by one and asked the staff to help them put them away.

When picking up a bouquet of flowers, a card fell out of it.

Ning Xi picked it up casually and took a look, and saw a familiar name on the signature.

Li Muyan...?

Aunt You's son?

How could a busy diplomat remember to send her a bouquet of flowers?

Sure enough, just like what my aunt said, although Li Muyan is young, he is impeccable in dealing with others.

Ning Xi didn't pay much attention, but out of politeness, she sent a text message to thank her.

After about five minutes, Li Muyan replied: [You're welcome. It's just that I didn't expect so many fans of Xiao Xi to find my bouquet of flowers, which shows that you have carefully read every gift, and you are an idol worthy of fans' love. ]

As expected of a diplomat, he is so good at talking. Although it may be all about the scene, the boast is well-founded.

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