Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1887 Abandoned by everyone

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Inside a black vehicle near the hotel.

After watching the live broadcast of the press conference, Su Yan felt as if he was petrified, and did not move for a long time.

Xiao Xi...

In this year, such a big thing happened to her.

But he didn't know anything.

Even several times, like those people, he also questioned her.

That little girl who was once innocent and innocent, left the place where she had lived for eighteen years for him, worked hard to adapt to a life she didn't like, for him stripped away everything she had, and changed herself little by little...

She said, Brother Yan, you believe in me, I can do it.

She said, Brother Yan, one day, I will be able to stand side by side with you...

For their future, she gave up so much and worked hard for so long, but in the end, he broke the promise between them, leaving her alone, abandoned by everyone...

Xueluo had already obtained and possessed everything, but because of an accident, she had to start all over again.

A certain decision in my heart, like a seed that breaks out of the ground, bursts through the sky at this moment...

However, she never paid attention to his text messages and phone calls, let alone seeing her...

The man picked up his cell phone, thought for a while, and made a call.

"Hello, Xiao Nuo?"

"Ah...Brother Su Yan..." Tang Nuo on the other end of the phone sounded a little unnatural.

When Su Yan was with Ning Xi before, he had a very good relationship with Su Yan and almost regarded him as his own brother, but since Su Yan and Ning Xueluo were together, they have no contact with each other.

"Have you read the news? There is news about your sister." Su Yan said.

"Ah? My sister? What's wrong with my sister? Didn't she go abroad to study? I'm preparing for an exam recently, so I haven't been online much!" Tang Nuo's first reaction was that "my sister" must be Ning Xi, and she didn't think about it at all. over others.



Shengshi Entertainment.

After finishing her work, Ning Xi was about to go home when her private cell phone rang suddenly.

Caller ID, Tang Nuo.

Looking at the names on the screen, Ning Xi's eyes warmed up immediately, and then she felt a headache again.

Sure enough, as soon as the call was connected, Tang Nuo's thoughts, comparable to Tang Seng's, came from the other end of the phone, "Sister!!! I didn't know that such a big thing happened to you! Your assistant said that you went abroad for further study, and I He actually believed that!

I haven't heard from you for a year, and I don't know how to find you. I don't deserve to be your younger brother. You treat me so well, but when you encounter difficulties and dangers, I can't help you at all. Not even..."

Ning Xi helplessly interrupted the boy on the other end of the phone, "Cough, it's okay, it's your fault, it's my fault, I'm sorry for making you worry, but don't worry, I'm alive and kicking now and I'm fine! "

"The vegetative person has been lying in bed for a whole year, how can there be no problem! Those people are simply too much! Say you like that!"

"Good, it's all over."

"Sister, where are you now? Can I find you? Well, if it's inconvenient... then forget it..." Tang Nuo asked cautiously.

"Why is it inconvenient for you to see me? I'll go find you! But it's a bit late now, I'm going to City C tomorrow?" Ning Xi asked.

"Uh, sister, I'm in the imperial capital, you forgot?"

"Ah! That's right! My brother is amazing, he passed the university entrance exam!" Ning Xi laughed suddenly, "I'm at the company, it's very close to yours, just a few minutes away, just wait for me, I'll go to you right now That!"

"Sister, are you sure? What if it causes a sensation!"

"It's late at night, it's okay, besides, I will change my outfit."

"Oh ok, then I'll wait for you at the stands in the school playground?"


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