Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1895 Dog food is fierce

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Feeling the tightness of the girl's body, the man stopped his movements immediately.

And such a pause is simply torture for him, "Uncomfortable?"

Ning Xi was almost at a loss for words, why...why this is not the first still hurts so much...

Boss...are you sure your size normal?

Seeing that Lu Tingxiao had come to this kind of situation, she was the one who was the first to worry, Ning Xi's tense body softened a little bit unconsciously, she bent her eyes and rubbed against the man's neck, "It's okay ..."

The girl's cat-like gentle tone and expression completely tore off the man's last trace of self-control...

In the huge office, there is only sweet and ambiguous melody left...

At this time, Ning Xi put it in the bag beside her, and her cell phone rang suddenly.

Ning Xi regained some clarity in her drowsy mind, "The phone..."

However, before he could finish his words, he was already struck by the increasingly violent actions of the Great Demon King and lost all ability to think, and could only follow his ups and downs...



Later, Ning Xi finally realized her innocence and ignorance.


Tigers are not as ferocious as bosses!

She even boasted that she was in good shape and there must be a problem.

But the problem is, even if she is in good health, she might not be able to bear the demands of the Great Demon King...

Uh, suddenly a little worried about my future...


Meanwhile, Deer Town.

The little baby stood up in a flash, "I'm going to find my mother!"

Ning Xi couldn't get through on the phone, the little guy finally got anxious.

At this time, Lu Jingli next to him had just called Lu Tingxiao, but he couldn't get through either.

If Ning Xi or Lu Tingxiao was the only one who couldn't get through, or he was still worried, but if both of them couldn't get through, then...

Thinking of this, Lu Jingli's expression suddenly became meaningful, and he said, "Wait, wait, baby, trust me, your mother is fine!"

"But mom won't refuse to answer Xiaobao's call!" Xiaobao said with a straight face.

"There must be something that we can't get out of!" Lu Jingli explained.

He suddenly had an ominous premonition that the dog food this time might be enough to kill him...

"Impossible, no matter what happens, mother will never refuse to answer Xiaobao's phone call." Xiaobao said firmly.

Lu Jingli shook his head sympathetically, thinking, baby, there really are... and you will probably be abused many times in the future... This is just the beginning...

"Don't worry, I'll make another call to ask." Lu Jingli said, and called Cheng Feng.

"Hey, Special Assistant Cheng~ Have you seen my sister-in-law?" Lu Jingli asked directly.

"I see, the lady boss just came to the company." Cheng Feng replied truthfully.

"Then where is she now?"

"I'm not sure about this. I've already left work, but when I left, the proprietress and the boss hadn't left yet." Cheng Feng thought for a long time, then coughed lightly, and added hesitantly, "Cough, Er Shao, you If there is nothing urgent, don't bother now..."

Tsk tsk, sure enough...

This young master is really smart!

"Success, I see."

Lu Jingli hung up the phone.

OK, don't worry about it now.

It's just that Xiaobao's side...

With tears in his eyes, Lu Jingli resigned himself to helping coax the child for a long time, and finally calmed Xiaobao down.

Forget it, it's not easy for his brother to endure it for so long. He doesn't care about the dog food this time...

【Good night, is the update meat...the author finally drove...with tears in my eyes and begging for a monthly pass/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~]

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