Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1896 The Huge Temptation of Benefits

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Late at night, Su residence.

After Su Yan left from Imperial University, he returned home without any delay.

In the living room, Zheng Minjun had just finished talking on the phone with a lady he had a good relationship with on weekdays, and was about to fall asleep when he heard the sound of a car engine at the door, followed by footsteps, and saw his son who had been away on business for many days come back.

Seeing his son coming home, Zheng Minjun smiled immediately, "Su Yan is back! Why is it so late? You should have arrived home yesterday, didn't you?"

Su Yan didn't answer, "Where are Dad and Xueluo?"

"Your father is upstairs in the study, Xueluo seems to have a social event at night, and he hasn't come back yet!"

"Yeah." Su Yan slightly nodded, and then walked upstairs, "I'll go to my father and discuss something with him."

Zheng Minjun has been inquiring about Ning Xi and Zhuang's affairs here and there for the past two days, and now he finally waited for Su Yan to come back. He planned to inquire about his son's intentions first, but seeing Su Yan walking in a hurry, he seemed to be in a hurry, so he just I can put it aside for now, "Oh... okay... let's go!"

In the study.

Under the desk lamp, Su Hongguang was looking solemnly at the bid for a piece of land, which was very important to them collectively, but without the internal relationship above, it was almost impossible to compete with the other two companies.

This circle is like this, and sometimes it is as difficult as climbing the sky without a few connections.

Su Hongguang's eyes dimmed, and he couldn't help but think of his wife's words that day...

After all, Su Yan and Xueluo have been married for such a long time, and the Su family and the Ning family are now inseparable. Divorce will affect the whole body, so he told Zheng Minjun not to be impulsive.

However, at this moment, if Su Yan could marry Ning Xi, the huge benefits he would bring would be shaken no matter how firm he was.

If it is possible to marry the Zhuang family, then all the troubles caused by the divorce will be nothing more than minor problems...

Su Hongguang was in a daze when his son's familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear——


Only then did Su Hongguang come back to his senses, and raised his head to look at his son, "I'm back."

Su Yan nodded, his expression looked a little unusual compared to usual, "Father, I have something to discuss with you."

Seeing Su Yan's unusual expression, Su Hongguang straightened his face, "Sit down, it's so late, what's the matter?"

Su Yan didn't sit down, but stood in front of the desk with his back straight. It seemed that he had made a great determination, so he looked at Su Hongguang firmly and said, "Father, I am going to divorce Xueluo."

The moment the words fell, Su Hongguang's expression changed suddenly because of astonishment, and at the same time, a gloomy light flashed across the bottom of his eyes.

Su Hongguang suppressed all kinds of chaotic thoughts in his heart, looked at his son with an extremely solemn face and said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Father, I know that you and mother will definitely object, and you will never understand my impulsive and unreasonable behavior, but... this matter... I am definitely not impulsive, but I have thought it over for a whole year. ! I have already decided!" Su Yan's tone was very strong.

Rather than saying that I came to discuss with him, it is better to say that I just came to inform him.

If Su Hongguang heard Su Yan say divorce before knowing Ning Xi's identity, he would definitely be furious...

But unluckily...

So everything is a little bit different...

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