Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1899 Give You a Baby

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Su Hongguang's abacus was rattling...

As everyone knows, all his calculations are just a joke...


Lu Corporation, President's Office.

The girl has been carried by the man to the big soft bed in the lounge.

On the bedside table, the petals in the vase trembled and fell in pieces...

The girl's school uniform has been completely taken off, and the porcelain-white jade skin is steaming with sweet and greasy heat, which is redder than flower petals. The body shaking with the man's movements is like a ball of nephrite, and the hard and hot body in front of her , in stark contrast...

No rejection, no fear, no panic...

Not a single shadow and distraction...

Only wholehearted delivery...

A feeling similar to completeness filled her heart...

It turns out that the relationship between men and women is such a feeling, beautiful and pure...

After all, Lu Tingxiao had endured it for too long. He had always been afraid of hurting the girl in the slightest, but when he really bonded with her, the words "temperance" and "control" were tantamount to torture to him.

However, after thinking of something, Lu Tingxiao's expression suddenly changed, and he stopped moving instantly.

Ning Xi's hair was disheveled on her temples, looking at the expression on the man's face that was almost collapsed, she said hoarsely, "What's wrong..."

The girl's soft voice and glistening eyes made things worse. At this moment, Lu Tingxiao's body was tensed into a bow, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, "I don't have..."

"Huh? Nothing?" Ning Xi was stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized that the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and she wrapped her soft arms around the man's neck, "Well... darling... Do you think it's safe? , set it?"

Lu Tingxiao nodded with an extremely dark complexion, "Yes."

Ning Xi rubbed against the man's neck, "It's okay, it's a safe period..."

As Ning Xi said, her bright eyes in the dark stared intently at the man's eyes, and said, " dear...I really want to give birth to you..."

Hearing the girl actually said that she was going to give birth to him, almost the moment the girl's voice fell, the man's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt a sudden electric current rushing through his back, and then, unexpectedly, it just came out like this...

"Damn it!!!" Lu Tingxiao cursed in extreme annoyance.

The scorching heat in her body made Ning Xi's body tremble violently. After feeling the man's remorse, she couldn't laugh or cry.

Please, Lord Boss, it's almost dawn now, okay?

My body, which can fight tigers on mountains, can't stand it! How long do you want?

Lu Tingxiao did not back out immediately, but hugged the girl's body nervously, "Xiao Xi, are you...are you sure? Are you really willing?"

He has always been worried about the shadow caused to her by the events of that year, so he never thought that she would be willing to get pregnant again, and he never raised similar issues in front of her...

There was nothing unusual on Ning Xi's face, she smiled and said, "Of course I'm sure, please, we're both married, is there anything wrong with me giving birth to you?"

After finishing speaking, Ning Xi thought of something, and a trace of worry flashed across her little face, "Well...but...I'm worried that Xiaobao won't like it...Actually...I have Xiaobao and that's enough..."

The reason why she suddenly said that to Lu Tingxiao just now was because she felt that the best way to express her feelings for him was to give birth to him.

Hearing the girl's words, Lu Tingxiao's eyes shone brightly, and he said in a firm tone, "Don't worry, Xiaobao will like it, I promise."

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